318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength

318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength

318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength


Have you ever found yourself not speaking up, whether it’s in a 1:1 situation or in a group? For a variety of reasons, women often hold back instead of using their voice. Jennifer Wilkov, founder and CEO of Speak Up Women, learned to speak up in a powerful way herself and now teaches other women to do the same. Whether you’re looking to build confidence, advocate for yourself, or become a more effective leader, you’ll take away actionable strategies to amplify your own voice.

Jennifer shares her personal journey, from a successful career as a certified financial planner to an unexpected wrongful conviction that tested her resilience. Rather than staying silent, she turned her experience into a movement—empowering women to embrace their self-worth and use their voice with confidence.

Speak Up Women is a community that’s cultivating women’s self-expression and empowerment. Jennifer speaks to women through her inspiring personal message, “You have the right to remain fabulous! – regardless of any situation, circumstance or condition.” She is passionate about elevating the self-esteem of women everywhere and encouraging their self-worth.

You’ll discover:

  • What a wrongful conviction taught Jennifer about speaking up
  • Why women hesitate to speak up…and the situations where they often hold back
  • What Speak Up Women is…and is not
  • How you can speak up for others who don’t have a voice
  • Jennifer’s work with interns to develop future leaders

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jennifer Wilkov


Jennifer Wilkov’s Resources


Jennifer S. Wilkov

Speak Up Women

Your Book Is Your Hook

TED Talk

I Survived Prison

Listen to the GSL Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Spotify
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Amazon
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Pandora
Listen to the GSL Podcast on YouTube
Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio
Leader-team communication and character skills

Grow Strong Character

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.

Connect with Your Team Book - Grow Strong Leaders

Connect with Your Team

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,
and Meredith M. Bell
Connect with Your Team Book - Grow Strong Leaders

Peer Coaching Made Simple

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,
and Meredith M. Bell

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word “networking”? If any of them are negative—or if you wish you could build a stronger network yourself—this episode is for you. My guest Frank Agin is a masterful networker, and he has invested decades in showing others how to do it right. You’ll hear valuable tips around making introductions, the benefits of being a Giver and not a Taker, and what to do at networking events.

Frank is president of AmSpirit Business Connections, which empowers entrepreneurs, sales representatives, and professionals to become successful through networking. He hosts the Networking Rx Podcast that’s packed with insights and interviews related to better business relationships. Frank is also the author of several books, including Foundational Networking, which I highly recommend if you’re interested in learning from a true thought leader around the importance of building professional relationships.

You’ll discover:

  • What many people get wrong about networking
  • The elements of foundational networking
  • Why KNOW, LIKE and TRUST are the keys to building strong business relationships
  • The infinite power of making introductions
  • Steps you can take to become effective at networking events

Watch the episode:


Connect with Frank


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

Would you have the courage to make the necessary changes if you realized your company or team was no longer working the way you’d hoped? Jonathan Keyser faced that challenge in his company, and he had the awareness and courage to tackle it head-on.

In this riveting conversation, Jonathan shares the struggles he experienced in identifying the changes that were needed, acknowledging his contributions to the situation, and the three core lessons he learned. You’ll connect with his transparency and vulnerability as he shares the process of transitioning from Keyser 1.0 to Keyser 2.0.

Jonathan is the founder of Keyser, one of the most innovative and trustworthy commercial real estate firms in the country. Along with their international partners, they have more than 560 people on their team worldwide. Jonathan’s efforts to change the business world through selfless service are reflected in his content, thought leadership, and the level of excellence he holds his team to within Keyser.

You’ll discover:

  • What caused Jonathan to realize he needed to make changes in his company
  • Why key problem areas were all based on misalignment
  • The key question he asked himself to determine which employees should stay…and which should move on
  • How Jonathan learned how to “do less and receive more.”

Watch the episode:


Connect with Jonathan


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

by Jonathan Keyser

Have you ever wondered if a business can really be sustainable if you focus exclusively on serving others? That’s exactly how my guest Jonathan Keyser has built his commercial real company. In his new book, You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win: The Art of Badass Selfless Service, Jonathan describes the stages of his own awakening to this approach when working in the cut-throat, back-stabbing commercial real estate industry. Now he’s on a mission to transform that industry as well as other companies open to a way of doing business that’s focused on helping others.

You’ll discover:

  • Why Jonathan credits his own coaches for where he is today
  • How to make SERVICE a mindset that drives your thoughts and actions
  • The 15 principles that have guided Keyser since Day 1
  • How going above and beyond for clients results in long-term sustainable success
  • Examples of Keyser team members who display extraordinary acts of kindness and service

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jonathan


Episode 006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Receiving

Episode 006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Receiving

006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Asking

by Ana Melikian

As a coach and consultant, you probably find it natural to give. You may find it more difficult to ask or receive. Dr. Ana Melikian shares a powerful set of actions steps that can strengthen relationships with your core network in a meaningful way. She explains the difference between nurturing your core network of 100 and doing outreach to 20 people you want to know and add to your network. Ana is the host of the MINDSET ZONE Podcast and Founder of Tech Tips for Coaches. She works closely with coaches, consultants, trainers and speakers to help them achieve their big goals.

You’ll discover:

  • The benefits of sharing relevant information with your network
  • How you can become an effective connector
  • Why it pays to cultivate positivity and relate on a basic human level
  • How to put your “Ask” in gear to generate new business


Watch the episode:


Connect with Ana


Ana’s Website

Learn about her services and sign up for Tech Tips for Coaches:
