224: Turning High Achievers into Trusted Leaders
224: Turning High Achievers into Trusted Leaders
When high achievers get promoted, they actually need to learn to be leaders in four different areas: Up, Across, Team and Self. Mark J. Silverman describes how he works with Rising Leaders to raise their awareness—and effectiveness—in each of these situations. You’ll get practical tips on what to say and do to achieve the results you and the other person want.
When he was working for fast-growing tech startups, Mark generated more than $90,000,000 in sales. He achieved this by bringing together teams of executives and technical leaders to close complex multimillion-dollar sales. Mark has experienced, first hand, the pressure of the ‘hustle and grind’ culture along with the unique challenges of the “C-Suite.” This experience, together with his years of training as a coach and facilitator, helps his coaching clients create sustainable and lasting success in all areas of their lives.
You’ll discover:
- The 4 areas of responsibility that Mark coaches leaders around
- Why Mark starts with Leading Up instead of Leading Self when coaching his clients
- How to respond to a visionary boss without using the word “No”
- The power of creating an Empathy Map to better understand your boss, a colleague or a member of your team
- How to adopt a “coopetition” attitude when working with peers