278: A Progress Maker’s Journey to Freedom

278: A Progress Maker’s Journey to Freedom

278: A Progress Maker’s Journey to Freedom

What if you landed your dream job and discovered that it didn’t deliver the fulfillment you were seeking? That’s what happened to Johannes Leerink, and it happened more than once in his career. In this conversation, he shares that journey with us. You’re going to love hearing his story as well as the insights he gained along the way, all of which led to the work he does today.

Johannes shares his takeaways from the Proctor & Gamble management training programs and his role as President and General Manager at Sara Lee. He applied these lessons and those from personal development programs to his work in transforming multinationals, hospitals, and NGOs into high-performing organizations.

Today Johannes is the founder of The Hidden Transit. He’s dedicated to helping highly successful professionals achieve their desired progress while unlocking a new dimension of fulfillment and freedom.

You’ll discover:

  • How Johannes defines freedom
  • The breakthroughs he got when attending Landmark programs
  • What transformed a hospital system from silos and isolation to an environment of love
  • The distinction between “knowing about” and “being” the 7 Habits
  • Why Johannes refers to himself as a “Progress Maker”

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Johannes’ Website

The Hidden Transit

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