267: Becoming a Master of Change

267: Becoming a Master of Change

267: Becoming a Master of Change

You can’t predict which career and life experiences will serve you in the future. Yet each one can prepare you for your next adventure if you become skillful in handling change. Terry Yoffe gives a masterclass in describing events from her early years and from her various jobs that helped prepare her to be an extraordinarily effective coach with her clients.

Terry Yoffe is an Executive, Business and Career Coach. She has been coaching for over 20 years, after many years in both corporate and entrepreneurial roles. She brings an impressive breadth and depth of knowledge to her coaching and specializes in global business relations, which is critical to her work with international clients.

Terry helps her clients maximize their talents and achieve their full potential. She employs a two-step process: having the client clarify their goals and then developing a focused strategic plan.

Terry is also the host of the Extraordinary Work Podcast: Conversations about Creating Change.

You’ll discover:

  • The varied experiences that prepared Terry for her coaching career
  • How she learned to deal with fear when stepping into the unknown
  • Tips for speaking up and advocating for yourself
  • What Terry does to guide clients to create changes in their lives

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Terry’s Resources


TRY Coaching


Extraordinary Work Podcast

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or leader of a team, you’ll benefit from the life wisdom that Gary Polk shares in this special conversation. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the value of failure or losses. Gary also explains why he’s a big believer in the triple bottom line, which includes “People, Planet, Profit.”

Gary is a Black businessman, CEO, business consultant, university professor and author. For decades, he’s been passionate about entrepreneurs…and why they succeed or fail.

His initial book, Why Entrepreneurs Fail (to Win), is widely used as a textbook in college entrepreneurship programs. He’s also written books with similar titles specifically for Black and Brown Entrepreneurs and for Women Entrepreneurs. Gary is committed to helping these leaders learn what they need to know so they can be as successful as possible.

Gary is focused on the triple bottom line, “People, Planet, Profit,” and believes these 3 elements align to drive success for everyone involved. He’s a proponent of social entrepreneurship and launched the Polk Institute Foundation in January of 2021.

You’ll discover:

  • Why all 3 of Gary’s books include “Fail (to Win)” in the title
  • What failing can teach us
  • Why Gary says EQ is more important than IQ
  • The #1 value Gary emphasizes at Polk Institute
  • How Social Entrepreneurship can fit into any business

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

265: Leading through Major Changes

265: Leading through Major Changes

265: Leading through Major Changes

Many mergers and acquisitions are dismal failures, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Find out how Sikko Zoer created buy-in and achieved a positive transformation when combining two very different divisions after an acquisition. So many of the actions Sikko took can be used by leaders on a daily basis.

Sikko has more than 15 years of experience in Healthcare and MedTech at Medtronic. He’s got a strong history of being a dependable executive leader who is driven by challenge, undeterred by obstacles, and committed to excellence in multiple areas, including operations, supply chain planning & optimization, logistics, IT, and marketing.

These days Sikko is involved in several businesses. He offers Strategic Advice, Consulting, Coaching, Mentorship, and Interim Management through his own companies, Qwinn Consultancy and Supply Chain Companions. Sikko also serves as a Senior Advisor with The Boston Consulting Group.

Sikko loves bringing new insights and providing directions that make companies and their people successful and proud. He does this in a positive, optimistic, open, and respectful way, as you’ll learn in this conversation.

You’ll discover:

  • Issues Sikko encountered when combining two very different teams with very different mindsets
  • What he did to get buy-in from stakeholders
  • Ways that Sikko himself changed during the process
  • How Sikko helped people shift from Victim to Owner mindset
  • Why listening to understand was a critical skill for each person to develop

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Sikko’s Resources



QWINN Supply Chain Consultancy

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264: Leading Young Adults and Junior Professionals

264: Leading Young Adults and Junior Professionals

264: Leading Young Adults and Junior Professionals

Often leaders struggle with the best way to develop members of the younger generation entering the workforce. You’ll get great ideas and practical tips for Ariana Tadler in this high-energy conversation. Helping young adults create a successful career is a deep passion project for Ariana, based on her experience as an attorney, business owner, mentor, and mother.

You’ll want to take notes because Ariana drops lots of gems that can guide you in strengthening your relationship with the younger members of your team. Her vulnerability, openness, and curiosity as a leader have helped her build a strong team in her own firm.

Ariana is the founding partner of Tadler Law LLP, a women-owned boutique law firm that offers an array of litigation and legal counseling services. Ariana is one of the leading women litigators in the country. She has 30 years’ experience advocating for consumers and investors against corporate fraud and abuse.

Ariana is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on electronic discovery. She pioneered the establishment of an e-Discovery Practice group within a plaintiffs’ firm structure 20 years ago. She’s also a professional and keynote speaker.

You’ll discover:

  • The 3 core areas Ariana focuses on when mentoring young professionals
  • Why communicating effectively in the workplace is challenging for those in the 18-35 age group
  • How Ariana works with the young people in her firm
  • What she does to help everyone on her team have open, honest conversations
  • Actions Ariana takes to help young adults develop into strong leaders

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Connect with Ariana


Ariana’s Website

Tadler Law LLP

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

263: Tips for Creating Agreements and Psychological Safety

263: Tips for Creating Agreements and Psychological Safety

263: Tips for Creating Agreements and Psychological Safety

Want to get some practical tips for being an effective leader and hear some unforgettable stories at the same time? This conversation with Ron Reich is a must-listen! Ron draws from his own experiences in the corporate world and from his 30 years of training and development and consulting experience. You’ll come away with new ideas for handling situations that are within your control—and for those outside your control.

Ron’s background is broad based, having worked for some major organizations such as Toshiba, The Chubb Corporation, and Organon Pharmaceuticals.

The majority of his work through these years has focused on leadership and management development, along with corporate training and organizational development.

Ron is passionate about the work he does and makes the workshops as interactive as possible. His only request is for participants to arrive ready to participate and have some fun along the way. For my listeners, I know you’re going to have fun listening to our conversation, and you’ll get some valuable take-aways along the way.

You’ll discover:

  • The importance of setting expectations and getting agreement with members of your team
  • Ways to create psychological safety so others are open and honest with you and with each other
  • An experience one CEO had as a child that moved him to tears as he shared it with his C-suite team
  • Why one of Ron’s mantras is “Stay out of the results business.”
  • How you can use PRD to stay calm and respond appropriately when unexpected situations arise

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Connect with Ron


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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill