296: Leadership and Sales in a Post-Trust World

296: Leadership and Sales in a Post-Trust World

296: Leadership and Sales in a Post-Trust World

​When you think about it, leadership and sales have a lot in common. For example, both require the ability to build trust quickly. In this value-packed episode, Larry Levine shares ideas from his new book, Selling In a Post-Trust World, that apply to leaders and salespeople alike.

Larry is also the international best-selling author of Selling from the Heart and the co-host of the award-winning Selling from the Heart Podcast.

In a world where it can be hard for salespeople to create trust, Larry helps sales teams leverage the power of authenticity to grow revenue, grow themselves, and enhance the lives of their clients. Larry has coached sales professionals across the world, from tenured reps to new millennials entering the salesforce.

You’ll discover:

  • The importance of identifying your WHY to have the greatest possible influence and impact
  • Why the ability to create authentic relationships must begin with being authentic with yourself
  • How you can create an inspirational experience for your team members and your clients
  • The power of learning what your unique “secret sauce” is and using it consistently
  • What you can learn when you’re curious and not making assumptions

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Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

058: Build Your Business with Clear and Present Game-Changers

058: Build Your Business with Clear and Present Game-Changers

058: Build Your Business with Clear and Present Game-Changers

by James Butler

Looking for tips that can help you expand your business? My guest James Butler shares a boatload of ideas you can start using immediately. James is a serial entrepreneur who has built four companies from the start-up phase to over a million dollars in revenue. He now consults with companies to help them put the right systems in place to grow their revenues and profitability. He’s also the author of 18 books, including the best-selling book The System is the Secret. In our conversation we focused on several ideas from his new book, Clear and Present Game Changers.

You’ll discover:

  • How to identify your company’s unique strengths to differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Ways to uncover hidden money or opportunities that you may not currently see
  • What you can do to create a WOW experience for clients so you’re unforgettable
  • How to “manufacture” your own celebrity so clients see you as the authority they want to work with
  • Ideas for dealing with the impact of COVID-19 and emerging stronger than before.

Watch the episode:


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