309: Coaching at the Intersection of Love, Language, and Leadership

309: Coaching at the Intersection of Love, Language, and Leadership

309: Coaching at the Intersection of Love, Language, and Leadership

Have you thought about how your words create you and your world? No matter what you answer, Trevor Timbeck will help you gain a better understanding of this power we all have if we choose to use it well.

Trevor co-authored The Power of Systems with Steve Chandler. You’ll recognize the book and Steve’s name from episode 300 of the podcast. In this episode, we discussed the book and how it ties in with who you are BEING and what you’re CREATING in the world.

Trevor is an absolutely remarkable human being, with important insights not just on the power of systems, but on life itself. You’re going to want to give this your full attention because you’ll hear many valuable ideas to reflect on.

Trevor has a deep technical background and started his career as a software engineer. He was promoted to leadership roles and eventually became head of Sales and then Chief Talent Officer with a large IT company. Today Trevor is a very successful leadership coach.

You’ll discover:

  • Significant lessons Trevor learned in his leadership journey
  • How Trevor weaves together love, language, and leadership when coaching his clients
  • What he learned from his first coach that transformed the way he led
  • The difference between language as coordinating behavior and language as communicating information
  • Why Trevor says our words create our world

Watch the episode:

Connect with Trevor


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302: Becoming a Generous Leader


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308: Remove Chaos and Head Trash from Your Mind

308: Remove Chaos and Head Trash from Your Mind

308: Remove Chaos and Head Trash from Your Mind

Do you ever have thoughts that could be called “head trash”? Very likely, you’ve experienced them, and those thoughts may even keep you awake at night. In this conversation, Dr. Robyn Odegaard provides a concrete, practical tip for getting back to sleep if you wake up at 3:00 am. She also shares her approach to questions and conversations with her clients that you can use yourself for your long-term happiness and success.

Dr. Robyn is a former competitive beach volleyball player turned business psychologist and professional confidante. She did her graduate work in business psychology with a concentration in high performance and sport. She’s been working in the space between executive coach, therapist and best friend for more than fifteen years and has designed her business to support ultra-busy clients who live excessively fast-paced lives.

Dr. Robyn’s expertise has been showcased through her TEDx talk, Creating Success Out of Chaos, the seven books she has authored, co-authored or contributed to, her Five-Point Paradigm for Creating Success Out of Chaos™, and her signature talk: Take Out the Head Trash: How to fight the demons keeping you awake at 3am.

You’ll discover:

  • Robyn’s personal journey as a young adult and what she learned along the way
  • Why she had self-doubts about her ability to succeed in college
  • A 5-point paradigm for creating success out of chaos
  • The #1 question she asks her clients to help them identify what’s holding them back
  • How Dr. Robyn learned to make Big Asks in quoting fees to potential clients

Watch the episode:

Connect with Dr. Robyn


Dr. Robyn’s Resources


Mental MacGyver


TEDx Talk

The Head Trash Talk

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306: How Parents Can Raise Future Leaders Today

306: How Parents Can Raise Future Leaders Today

306: How Parents Can Raise Future Leaders Today

Here’s a startling statistic. Harvard published the results of a survey of 17,000 managers, and one of the questions asked was this: When did you experience your first formal leadership training? The average age was 42.

What would happen if we started with children instead of waiting until someone is so far into their career? You don’t have to wonder what would happen because our guest, Dr. Alan Nelson, has focused on teaching leadership to young people for almost 20 years.

Alan is the Founder of KidLead Academy, the world’s first online course to train parents how to develop their child’s leadership potential. Alan has been passionate about leadership throughout his career.

Alan is the author of 40 books and over 200 articles on personal growth and leadership. He has a doctorate in leadership from the University of San Diego and has taught leadership courses at several universities, including USC’s Marshall School of Business and the Naval Postgraduate School.

In this conversation, we focused on his book for parents, My Kid Leads! A How-to Book for Parents Wanting to Raise Future Leaders Today. Highly recommended!

You’ll discover:

  • The answer to the question of whether leaders are made or born
  • Why Alan says the sweet spot for teaching leadership to kids is ages 10-13
  • The 4 primary indicators of giftedness in leadership in both children and adults
  • What parents can do to help their children develop self-control and critical thinking skills
  • How Alan uses peer-led teams in his programs to teach leadership and followership

Watch the episode:

Connect with Alan


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304: A Young Leader’s Journey of Modern Achievement

304: A Young Leader’s Journey of Modern Achievement

304: A Young Leader’s Journey of Modern Achievement

If you’ve been in leadership development for a long time, you’re in for a treat with this episode. Our guest, Howard Leong, is the youngest person to appear on the podcast! Don’t let his youth fool you. He is wise beyond his years in his understanding of leadership and personal growth. Howard has been mentored by Asheesh Advani, CEO of Junior Achievement or JA Worldwide, and you’ll see that he’s absorbed key lessons from this extraordinary leader.

Howard is featured in a new book that Asheesh co-authored with Marshall Goldsmith, Modern Achievement: A New Approach to Timeless Lessons for Aspiring Leaders. In this conversation, we explore the experiences and lessons learned that Howard shares in the book.

Howard is the Research Strategist at JA Worldwide and is currently building The JA Institute. He’s a college senior specializing in Econometrics and Machine Learning with four years of experience in software product management and international economic development.

Howard was awarded the Global Student Prize in 2021 from JA for building an online marketplace, JA Malaysia Mall, for high school entrepreneurs. In just two months, it fulfilled over 1,000 orders. He also built an investment app that received The Webby Award Honoree 2024. Howard has consulted the City of Calgary on economics, AI, and electricity rates.

You’ll discover:

  • The messages Howard got from his family growing up in Malaysia and changes he felt compelled to make after leaving home
  • What the phrase, Modern Achievement, means to Asheesh and what it means to Howard
  • Ways Howard learned to advocate for himself—and the payoffs he got from doing so
  • What employers need to know about working with young adults
  • Tips for young employees who want to have a positive impact

Watch the episode:


Connect with Howard

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301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?

301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?

301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?


Twelve years ago, when my father died, the funeral director made a statement to my mother, my sister, and me that I’ve never forgotten.

In this solo episode, I share what he said and how it applied to my father. I also describe seven ways Dad lived that have had a lasting impact on all of us who knew him.

I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders. We’ve created online resources that help leaders strengthen their character and communication skills to build strong relationships and inspire others to perform at the highest level.

You’ll discover:

  • Why my father never made one enemy throughout his entire life
  • How a strong work ethic drove everything he did
  • What Dad did to build trust instantly
  • The 3 words of sage advice Dad passed on to everyone in the family
  • Questions you can ask yourself as you reflect on your life and how you want to be remembered

Watch the episode:

Connect with Meredith


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300: Using Systems to Create a Life That Works

300: Using Systems to Create a Life That Works

300: Using Systems to Create a Life That Works

This is a very special episode of the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast for 2 reasons: it’s #300, which is a noteworthy milestone for any podcast. And #2, the guest is Steve Chandler, someone whose books have influenced Meredith’s thinking and her life more than any other author. At this point, she’s read 20 of his 30+ books.

Steve has been coaching leaders and other coaches for decades. His own coach calls him the Godfather of Coaching. Steve is the Founder of the Coaching Prosperity School, now called Advanced Client Systems, for people who already know HOW to coach. This program is highly recommended if you’re a coach because you’ll learn systems for acquiring clients and building a prosperous business.

And speaking of systems, that’s the focus of this conversation. We discussed the new book Steve has written with Trevor Timbeck. It’s called The Power of Systems: How to Create a Life That Works. It’s packed with life-changing insights, so you’ll want to listen to multiple times to capture them all.

You’ll discover:

  • The issues Steve and Trevor were seeing with their coaching clients that inspired them to write this book
  • How Steve defines a system in the context of creating a life that works
  • A simple 2-step process for creating a system
  • Why Steve says that PRACTICE is one of the most powerful systems
  • The role of systems in setting and reaching a goal

Watch the episode:

Connect with Steve


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