305: A Flooded Road Released a Flood of Emotions
305: A Flooded Road Released a Flood of Emotions
Have you ever lost your cool when you encountered something unexpected?
In this solo episode, I describe a situation where I witnessed someone who became emotional and took it out on me.
Thankfully, I recognized that she was simply unable to think rationally in the moment, and I didn’t take it personally.
I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders. We’ve created online resources that help leaders strengthen their character and communication skills to build strong relationships and inspire others to perform at the highest level.
You’ll discover:
- The event that triggered this person’s reaction
- What I realized about the feelings she was experiencing
- How I handled the uncertainty of the moment
- The lessons I took away from that incident
- Two questions you can ask yourself when you feel fear or uncertainty
Watch the episode:
Meredith’s Resources
Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills