269: Experience Rules with Your Customers and Your Employees

269: Experience Rules with Your Customers and Your Employees

269: Experience Rules with Your Customers and Your Employees

No matter what leadership role you have, what you and your team do on a daily basis affects your customers, either directly or indirectly. Do you have systems in place for tracking and managing both the customer experience as well as your employees’ experiences?

If you don’t, you’re in for a treat because our guest Michael Hinshaw is an expert in the area of customer experience, also known by the letters CX.

Michael is the Founder and President of customer experience consultancy McorpCX, and he’s recognized on more than a dozen lists of “Top Global CX Influencers.” He has consulted for and advised executives at companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Biogen, Roche, Best Buy, and lululemon.

Michael is the co-author of the best-selling book Smart Customers, Stupid Companies: Why Only Intelligent Companies Will Thrive, and How to Be One of Them. His new book is Experience Rules! The Experience Operating System (XOS) and 8 Keys to Enable It, co-authored with Diane Magers. This conversation covered only a few of the 8 keys, so you’re encouraged to pick up a copy of his latest book to learn about the others.

You’ll discover:

  • Michael’s first experience gathering input from customers—and the impact that had on the company he worked for
  • How customer experience (CX) and employee experience are alike
  • What’s really behind a customer’s decision to continue doing business with a company
  • How internal and external councils can strengthen your business as it relates to CX
  • The first steps you can take to find out if your own customers are happy with your company…or not

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268: The Power of Thought in Creating Our World

268: The Power of Thought in Creating Our World

268: The Power of Thought in Creating Our World


Have you considered how powerful your thoughts are in determining the way you see and respond to the world? Be prepared to expand your mind as you listen to the insights and unforgettable stories that Michael Neill shares in this conversation. You will not view stress, pressure, and overwhelm in the same way, and you’ll understand why the most powerful thing you can do is learn to be yourself.

Michael is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker. He’s described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane.” The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.

Michael has authored six best-selling books including two of Meredith’s favorite books, The Inside Out Revolution and Creating the Impossible. He’s also the host of one of her must-listen podcasts, Caffeine for the Soul (each episode is just 6-9 minutes of wisdom from Michael).

You’ll discover:

  • What Michael means by “inside out” when it comes to our thoughts
  • Why pressure is not the effective driver some think it is
  • The distinction Michael makes between two types of fear
  • The misunderstanding leaders sometimes have around being REAL

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267: Becoming a Master of Change

267: Becoming a Master of Change

267: Becoming a Master of Change

You can’t predict which career and life experiences will serve you in the future. Yet each one can prepare you for your next adventure if you become skillful in handling change. Terry Yoffe gives a masterclass in describing events from her early years and from her various jobs that helped prepare her to be an extraordinarily effective coach with her clients.

Terry Yoffe is an Executive, Business and Career Coach. She has been coaching for over 20 years, after many years in both corporate and entrepreneurial roles. She brings an impressive breadth and depth of knowledge to her coaching and specializes in global business relations, which is critical to her work with international clients.

Terry helps her clients maximize their talents and achieve their full potential. She employs a two-step process: having the client clarify their goals and then developing a focused strategic plan.

Terry is also the host of the Extraordinary Work Podcast: Conversations about Creating Change.

You’ll discover:

  • The varied experiences that prepared Terry for her coaching career
  • How she learned to deal with fear when stepping into the unknown
  • Tips for speaking up and advocating for yourself
  • What Terry does to guide clients to create changes in their lives

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TRY Coaching


Extraordinary Work Podcast

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266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

266: Why Failing Is a Part of Winning

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or leader of a team, you’ll benefit from the life wisdom that Gary Polk shares in this special conversation. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the value of failure or losses. Gary also explains why he’s a big believer in the triple bottom line, which includes “People, Planet, Profit.”

Gary is a Black businessman, CEO, business consultant, university professor and author. For decades, he’s been passionate about entrepreneurs…and why they succeed or fail.

His initial book, Why Entrepreneurs Fail (to Win), is widely used as a textbook in college entrepreneurship programs. He’s also written books with similar titles specifically for Black and Brown Entrepreneurs and for Women Entrepreneurs. Gary is committed to helping these leaders learn what they need to know so they can be as successful as possible.

Gary is focused on the triple bottom line, “People, Planet, Profit,” and believes these 3 elements align to drive success for everyone involved. He’s a proponent of social entrepreneurship and launched the Polk Institute Foundation in January of 2021.

You’ll discover:

  • Why all 3 of Gary’s books include “Fail (to Win)” in the title
  • What failing can teach us
  • Why Gary says EQ is more important than IQ
  • The #1 value Gary emphasizes at Polk Institute
  • How Social Entrepreneurship can fit into any business

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265: Leading through Major Changes

265: Leading through Major Changes

265: Leading through Major Changes

Many mergers and acquisitions are dismal failures, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Find out how Sikko Zoer created buy-in and achieved a positive transformation when combining two very different divisions after an acquisition. So many of the actions Sikko took can be used by leaders on a daily basis.

Sikko has more than 15 years of experience in Healthcare and MedTech at Medtronic. He’s got a strong history of being a dependable executive leader who is driven by challenge, undeterred by obstacles, and committed to excellence in multiple areas, including operations, supply chain planning & optimization, logistics, IT, and marketing.

These days Sikko is involved in several businesses. He offers Strategic Advice, Consulting, Coaching, Mentorship, and Interim Management through his own companies, Qwinn Consultancy and Supply Chain Companions. Sikko also serves as a Senior Advisor with The Boston Consulting Group.

Sikko loves bringing new insights and providing directions that make companies and their people successful and proud. He does this in a positive, optimistic, open, and respectful way, as you’ll learn in this conversation.

You’ll discover:

  • Issues Sikko encountered when combining two very different teams with very different mindsets
  • What he did to get buy-in from stakeholders
  • Ways that Sikko himself changed during the process
  • How Sikko helped people shift from Victim to Owner mindset
  • Why listening to understand was a critical skill for each person to develop

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Sikko’s Resources



QWINN Supply Chain Consultancy

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