259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

​What’s the difference between a Learn-It-All leader and a Know-It-All Leader? That’s just one of many questions Damon Lembi answers in this value-packed conversation. Damon is an excellent example of a leader who’s been focused on his own growth and equally committed to helping members of his team become the best versions of themselves.

For nearly three decades as CEO, Damon has led his company, Learnit, through the ever-changing landscape of Learning and Development, gaining insight into what works, how great leaders learn, and why learn-it-all companies outpace their competition.

Coming to business from a career in baseball, Damon brings an athlete’s perspective on leadership and training to his informal mentoring of executives. He’s distilled those hard-won insights into his bestselling book, The Learn-It-All Leader—Mindset, Traits, and Tools.

You’ll discover:

  • Leadership lessons Damon learned from the 3 Hall of Fame Baseball Coaches he worked with in college
  • The distinction Damon makes between Being and Doing when it comes to leader behaviors
  • Why Damon hires for potential instead of experience
  • Reasons he prizes Curiosity as a key leadership skill
  • What the Trust Tax is and why it’s an important payment to make

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How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

What’s the evidence that women face unique hurdles in advancing to executive leadership roles? Jennifer McCollum shares the data based on 25+ years of research conducted by Linkage. The facts are real. In this conversation, we focus on the actions women can take to overcome these hurdles – and what men can do to be effective allies and executive sponsors. You will love Jennifer’s passion for this topic and her transparency in describing some of her own experiences.

Jennifer is the former CEO of Linkage, a SHRM company, where she oversaw the strategic direction and global operations of this leadership development firm. Linkage’s mission is to “Change the Face of Leadership” and over the past 35 years the company has been dedicated to improving leadership effectiveness and equity in hundreds of organizations globally.

Jennifer has 20 years of experience building and leading businesses in the leadership space. She’s a highly sought-after consultant and speaker, with deep expertise in Inclusive Leadership and Advancing Women Leaders.

She’s a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches and the author of the new book, In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership. Highly recommended for women and men alike!

You’ll discover:

  • Why the Inner Critic is the “uber” hurdle that impacts the other 7
  • How the Compassion Center’s 4 steps can help you shift from judging yourself or others
  • The distinction between External Bias and Internal Bias
  • The importance of Recognized Confidence, a step beyond self-confidence
  • What men can do to support women and the role of Executive Sponsorship

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257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

What does it take to make the transition from being a star athlete in college to a successful  business owner? Meet Chase Dalton, CEO of Silicon Signs, who did just that. Chase is an extraordinary leader who lives daily the focus of this podcast, to Grow Strong Leaders, by developing himself and his people.  You are sure to be moved by the stories he shares from his business and from his life.

In college Chase was an outstanding athlete. He’s a three-time All-American in track and field and once held the title of Junior National Champion in the decathlon. You’ll find out which strengths transferred nicely to the challenges of starting and running a company. Chase leads a team 20 to create signs for brick-and-mortar businesses in all 50 states.

You’ll discover:

  • The process Chase and his team followed to create their values, vision, and mission
  • Ways that Chase and his team live their values on a daily basis
  • How his degree in Sociology has serve Chase well in his business
  • Why Chase views his employees as his customers – and how that impacts the way he spends his time
  • The near-death experience in 2020 that forever changed the way Chase shows up in the world

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Connect with Chase


Chase’s Resources


Silicon Signs

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

Do you know of a leader who worked with the same team of people for 12 years? Russel Lolacher achieved that feat. In this interview, Russel reveals exactly what he did to create the environment that caused every person to want to stay and give their best effort. You’ll learn valuable strategies that you can implement immediately with your own team.

Russel is an international speaker and the founder and host of Relationships at Work Podcast.  It’s the leadership guide to creating a workplace we love. On his show, Russel digs into timely and relevant topics with global experts on how to be better leaders and create healthy workplace cultures.

He’s held successful leadership and communication roles for almost 25 years, retaining one team for almost 12 years. Russel’s work and expertise in building employee and customer trust has been recognized on international stages and in multiple publications. He’s been named 4 times  as a Top Thought Leader by the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI).

You’ll discover:

  • Why Russel uses Air, Land, and Sea to describe the 3 levels of awareness that leaders must have
  • How Russel created a psychologically safe work environment for his team
  • What’s missing in most organizations after the onboarding process, to complete employee’s journey with an organization
  • The long-term impact of poor leadership on people, even after they leave the organization
  • Key take-aways Russel has learned from the guests on his podcast

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Connect with Russel


Russel’s Resources


Russel Lolacher


Relationships at Work

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

The best leaders not only recognize and leverage their own unique abilities, they also do the same with everyone on their team. Mark Murphy has focused on both areas, with excellent results. This commitment has helped his company create “wow” experiences for their clients. Our conversation is packed with insights and strategies that you can incorporate into your own life.

Mark is the CEO of Northeast Sequoia Private Client Group, a national financial planning and wealth management firm. He is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to achieve multigenerational wealth by providing personalized strategies that focus on emotional fitness, wealth accumulation, and a plan that can work under all circumstances. His unwavering commitment to delivering a “wow” experience has earned him a reputation as a trusted expert in the industry.

Mark has been ranked #1 in New Jersey and #3 in the nation on the 2023 Forbes America’s Top Financial Security Professionals List. He’s the host of The Hero of The Hour Podcast and the author of 3 books including his latest, The Ultimate Investment: A Roadmap to Grow Your Business and Build Multigenerational Wealth. It’s a must-read for every business leader.

You’ll discover:

  • How leaders can identify and use their unique abilities
  • What Mark does to identify whether or not job candidates are aligned with his company’s core values
  • The 4 types of intelligence and the one Mark values most when hiring
  • The distinction Mark makes between differentiation and competition
  • The question he poses to someone who’s experienced a loss, disappointment, or setback

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Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill