249: Developing a Champion’s Mind

249: Developing a Champion’s Mind

249: Developing a Champion’s Mind

You may think that success requires striving and pushing hard. Dr. Jeff Spencer dispels that notion and presents an alternate approach that results in a joyful life. You’ll want to take notes as you listen to this amazing man drop nugget after nugget of wisdom.

Jeff builds champions. He has spent more than 400,000 hours mastering the art and science of full potential play. His extraordinary track record helping athletes win gold medals, entrepreneurs dominate their fields, and business titans become iconic come from his experience as an Olympic cyclist, author, hot glass artist, sports scientist, doctor, husband and father.

Jeff’s clients include Tiger Woods, U2, Nike, Hitachi and Bulletproof. His proudest achievement is the raising of his adopted daughter, Kin, with his wife Kristina.

You’ll discover:

  • The difference between a human mindset and a champion mind
  • Why a state of Receivership beats hard work every time
  • What’s required to play the long game in life
  • Jeff’s definition of Imposter Syndrome that’s sure to resonate with you
  • Why Jeff “answers callings” instead of chasing dreams or goals

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248: How to Become Unflappable

248: How to Become Unflappable

248: How to Become Unflappable

Did you know that stress is actually something we create in our own minds? It’s true! And Dr. Bridget Cooper shares specific Stress Busters that can help you become calmer in the face of any challenge. This is a must-listen episode if you’d like to ditch the drama in your life while maintaining your inner peace and personal power.

Bridget, or Dr. B as she’s called by her clients, is a cage rattler. Over the past 20+ years, she’s  helped teams and leaders think and communicate more clearly so they can navigate problems proactively and effectively. She works with clients to overcome the attitudes and behavior patterns that derail their success by offering down-to-earth insights and action plans.

Bridget does this through coaching, corporate consulting, and leading workshops that guide people to live more authentic, peaceful, and powerful lives. Her mission is to change the world, one life at a time. She has also done this in her new book, Unflappable: How Smart People Quit Overthinking, Ditch the Drama, & Thrive at Work, which is packed with practical suggestions you can start implementing right away.

You’ll discover:

  • Why Unflappable is the perfect title for her book
  • How we create stress and what we can do to reduce it
  • The benefits of creating a “bubble” in conflict situations
  • Why it’s important to create a Professional Avatar and why Bridget calls it “the holy grail”
  • The power of using the “Meet Them Where They Are” strateg

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247: Becoming Coachable As a Leader

247: Becoming Coachable As a Leader

247: Becoming Coachable As a Leader

What does it take to be someone who can benefit from coaching? Jacquelyn Lane and Scott Osman share the qualities that are essential to make the most of the coaching process.

Scott and Jacquelyn are the two lead authors of the new book, Becoming Coachable: Unleashing the Power of Executive Coaching to Transform Your Leadership and Life. Their co-author is Marshall Goldsmith, a familiar name to everyone in the business world.

Scott is the founder and CEO of the 100 Coaches Agency and Jacquelyn is the president. Together they designed a proprietary curation process for matching leaders and executive coaches for an extraordinary experience.

Scott co-founded the 100 Coaches Community with Marshall Goldsmith in 2016, and Jacquelyn is a critical pillar in that Community of coaches.

They are committed to not just elevating the quality of leadership, they are also focused on guiding leaders to elevate everyone in their organization so that every person flourishes.

You’ll discover:

  • How Scott and Jacquelyn have worked on becoming coachable themselves
  • The 4 qualities required for someone to become open to coaching
  • The distinction they make between Rising and Flourishing
  • Why flourishing (for self and for others) is the ultimate goal of coaching
  • Examples of CEOs who’ve turned around companies based on their own coaching experiences

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jacquelyn Lane


Connect with Scott Osman


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246: Why Curiosity Is a Superpower

246: Why Curiosity Is a Superpower

246: Why Curiosity Is a Superpower

Would you consider yourself a CURIOUS person? I hope your answer is YES. In this interview with Dr. Michele D’Amico, you’re going to learn some of the benefits of curiosity and why it’s even more powerful when combined with reflective listening.

Michele is the founder of Vetta Consultants, an organization that specializes in developing leaders and team members who are emotionally intelligent, curious, and resilient.

Michele has a Doctor of Psychology degree and is certified as a mediator and coach. Her ROE system (Return On Empathy) educates leaders and their organizations on the power of empathic leadership and  the building of safe environments where people want to work.

You’ll discover:

  • The meaning behind the title and tagline of Michele’s company
  • The 4 components of Emotional Intelligence
  • Tips for regulating your emotions so you can maintain your cool
  • Elements involved in creating an environment of psychological safety

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Dr. Michele’s Website


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245: The 7 Secrets of Influence

245: The 7 Secrets of Influence

245: The 7 Secrets of Influence

What comes to mind when you hear the word INFLUENCE? Think about people who have influenced you in the past – and what it was about their approach that you found persuasive. Elaina Zuker has studied this topic for decades. It’s her specialty and her passion, and you’ll come away with important insights about influencing others at work and at home.

Elaina is President of Elaina Zuker Associates, a management training and consulting firm in Montreal. She’s an expert in the area of Influence and the author of 11 books, including the best-seller, The Seven Secrets of Influence. She has recently published a new mini e-book called “INFLUENCE: The 7 BIG Secrets in 7 Little Minutes.”

Elaina’s unique “Secrets of Influence ™“ theory and training program were developed from her experience in Sales, Advertising and Marketing and helped her sell millions of dollars in products and services. Her program is now available as an eLearning package.

You’ll discover:

  • The experiences in sales and advertising that shaped Elaina thinking about influence
  • The distinctions she makes between Influence and Manipulation
  • How Elaina created the 6 styles of influence
  • Why it’s important to learn your own style and adapt to those who aren’t like you
  • The approach Elaina took in a competitive sales situation with decision-makers at AT&T that caused them to choose her

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