203: UofM Global’s LIFE Program: A Superb Benefit for FedEx Employees
203: UofM Global’s LIFE Program: A Superb Benefit for FedEx Employees
What happens when a major university partners with a huge corporation to offer a program that helps employees earn college degrees? You get University of Memphis (UofM) Global’s LIFE: Learning Inspired by FedEx.
Dr. Richard Irwin and Courtney Brafford, both of UofM Global, describe how the two organizations worked together to create a program that requires no out-of-pocket payments by employees and has resulted in high retention rates.
Dr. Irwin is the Executive Dean, Academic Innovation and the College of Professional & Liberal Studies, and Courtney is Director of Student Success. They’ve created corporate partnerships that provide employees with opportunities for professional development that translate into college credit.
You’ll discover:
- The need FedEx had that caused them to approach UofM Global
- Key elements of the LIFE program that have led to great results for participants
- The PREP Academy that UofM Global created to ensure participants succeeded with their coursework
- Benefits that both FedEx and their employees have experienced
- Why the LIFE program now serves as an excellent recruitment tool for FedEx