318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength

318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength

318: The Power of Speaking Up: Turning Fear into Strength


Have you ever found yourself not speaking up, whether it’s in a 1:1 situation or in a group? For a variety of reasons, women often hold back instead of using their voice. Jennifer Wilkov, founder and CEO of Speak Up Women, learned to speak up in a powerful way herself and now teaches other women to do the same. Whether you’re looking to build confidence, advocate for yourself, or become a more effective leader, you’ll take away actionable strategies to amplify your own voice.

Jennifer shares her personal journey, from a successful career as a certified financial planner to an unexpected wrongful conviction that tested her resilience. Rather than staying silent, she turned her experience into a movement—empowering women to embrace their self-worth and use their voice with confidence.

Speak Up Women is a community that’s cultivating women’s self-expression and empowerment. Jennifer speaks to women through her inspiring personal message, “You have the right to remain fabulous! – regardless of any situation, circumstance or condition.” She is passionate about elevating the self-esteem of women everywhere and encouraging their self-worth.

You’ll discover:

  • What a wrongful conviction taught Jennifer about speaking up
  • Why women hesitate to speak up…and the situations where they often hold back
  • What Speak Up Women is…and is not
  • How you can speak up for others who don’t have a voice
  • Jennifer’s work with interns to develop future leaders

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jennifer Wilkov


Jennifer Wilkov’s Resources


Jennifer S. Wilkov

Speak Up Women

Your Book Is Your Hook

TED Talk

I Survived Prison

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Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio
Leader-team communication and character skills

Grow Strong Character

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.

Connect with Your Team Book - Grow Strong Leaders

Connect with Your Team

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,
and Meredith M. Bell
Connect with Your Team Book - Grow Strong Leaders

Peer Coaching Made Simple

Dennis E. Coates, Ph.D.,
and Meredith M. Bell

214: Life Is Short, Choose Wisely

214: Life Is Short, Choose Wisely

214: Life Is Short, Choose Wisely

It can be devastating to lose a close family member to a disease like cancer. Carrie Verrocchio talks about the inspiration she received to use her true gifts because of messages she received from her beloved brother before and after he died. Since then, she’s been on a mission to wake others up to their true potential.

CarrieVee, as she is affectionately known to all her fans, is an international speaker, international best-selling author, podcast host, and Certified Transformation, Forgiveness, and Grief Coach.

After going from burned out corporate general manager to seizing opportunities and creating the life she had been dreaming of, Carrie now uses her experiences to lead others on a journey of Radical Empowerment and Radical Change. 

She is the founder of the Radical Empowerment Method, an online program designed to walk people through the exact method she herself used to move from a life of feeling invisible to a life of empowered success and action. Carrie is the author of two very special books, The Radical Empowerment Method and 30 Days to Gratitude Journal.

You’ll discover:

  • How “Life is Short, Choose Wisely” came to be Carrie’s mantra
  • What are “Pow Pow Shoes” and how can you identify yours?
  • Why forgiveness is one of the most powerful choices you can make
  • The benefits of adopting and maintaining gratitude as a way of being
  • Why Carrie says Happiness is a choice and not a destination

Watch the episode:

Connect with Carrie


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

Have you ever gone on a Listening Tour? That’s what Hillary Miller did in her first 3 months at Penn State Health in her role as Chief Learning Officer. What she learned in her conversations with hundreds of people allowed her and her team to design programs that were relevant and well received.

Hillary has also set up a Learning Council across the organization that enables people in all types of positions to have a voice. You will love the types of questions Hillary shares throughout this conversation that encourage people to speak openly and build strong trust.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 questions Hillary asked each person she met with during your listening tour
  • What Hillary has done to build trust and high performance with her own team
  • The weekly Development Sessions Hillary and her team have…and how she’s expanding them to other parts of the organization
  • The growth she went through to make it easy for her to say “I’m not perfect” and “I made a mistake”
  • Why Hillary is a big believer in humor and laughter

Watch the episode:

Connect with Hillary


Hillary’s Resources


Penn State Health

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

176: How Michelin’s ICARE Model Creates Open Communication

176: How Michelin’s ICARE Model Creates Open Communication

176: How Michelin’s ICARE Model Creates Open Communication

How does a company with 100,000+ employees worldwide create a culture that everyone buys into…and more importantly, lives by? Marie-France Lechasseur explains how Michelin’s ICARE Model provides a common ground for the way people treat each other across the organization. You can feel her passion around these shared values and behaviors throughout our conversation! ICARE is an acronym for Inspiring, Create Trust, Awareness, Results, and Empowerment.

Marie-France is a Human Resources Business Partner and also a competency Director in Learning & Development at Michelin. She’s been on the team that’s helped bring ICARE to life within Michelin and with companies they’re acquired.

You’ll discover:

  • The importance of customizing content delivery for training programs
  • Differences in the preferred learning modes of different generations
  • Why employees in an acquired company quickly embraced the ICARE model
  • How the ICARE model provides a common set of values for having more productive conversations
  • How Marie-France applied the model with her future boss

Watch the episode:

Connect with Marie-France


Marie-France‘s Resources



Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill