247: Becoming Coachable As a Leader
247: Becoming Coachable As a Leader
What does it take to be someone who can benefit from coaching? Jacquelyn Lane and Scott Osman share the qualities that are essential to make the most of the coaching process.
Scott and Jacquelyn are the two lead authors of the new book, Becoming Coachable: Unleashing the Power of Executive Coaching to Transform Your Leadership and Life. Their co-author is Marshall Goldsmith, a familiar name to everyone in the business world.
Scott is the founder and CEO of the 100 Coaches Agency and Jacquelyn is the president. Together they designed a proprietary curation process for matching leaders and executive coaches for an extraordinary experience.
Scott co-founded the 100 Coaches Community with Marshall Goldsmith in 2016, and Jacquelyn is a critical pillar in that Community of coaches.
They are committed to not just elevating the quality of leadership, they are also focused on guiding leaders to elevate everyone in their organization so that every person flourishes.
You’ll discover:
- How Scott and Jacquelyn have worked on becoming coachable themselves
- The 4 qualities required for someone to become open to coaching
- The distinction they make between Rising and Flourishing
- Why flourishing (for self and for others) is the ultimate goal of coaching
- Examples of CEOs who’ve turned around companies based on their own coaching experiences