302: Becoming a Generous Leader

302: Becoming a Generous Leader

302: Becoming a Generous Leader

When you think of the key qualities of an effective leader, what words come to mind? Did you include the word GENEROUS? If not, you will add that word to your list after you listen to this conversation with guest Joe Davis. 

Joe is the author of a fantastic new book, The Generous Leader: 7 Ways to Give of Yourself for Everyone’s Gain. This important book is a must-read for every leader because it touches on so many areas that the best leaders learn and practice. Joe exemplifies the type of leader Meredith is always eager to have as a guest: he’s focused his entire career on growing strong as a leader and helping others realize their potential. 

Joe is a Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group or BCG. In The Generous Leader, Joe shares a performance review he received that was a game-changer for him: He was told he was not the best at problem-solving solo; but with others, he could solve any challenge. His manager identified his key strength—a person who could connect with others. 

Joe has leveraged that strength in his 35+ years at BCG in roles such as co-founding the Washington, DC, office and leading BCG North America. He is currently Chair of BCG’s Center for Inclusion and Equity and the Board Chair at Whitman College.

You’ll discover:

  • What leaders can do to help others feel seen
  • Why Joe recommends leaders adopt the “practice of perspective taking”
  • How Joe pushes people to be more than they believed possible and addresses times when they diminish themselves
  • How to be an Action Ally and not a Performative Ally
  • Ways to show vulnerability so others more easily connect with you

Watch the episode:

Connect with Joe


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Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?

301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?

301: Are You Living a Life That Matters?


Twelve years ago, when my father died, the funeral director made a statement to my mother, my sister, and me that I’ve never forgotten.

In this solo episode, I share what he said and how it applied to my father. I also describe seven ways Dad lived that have had a lasting impact on all of us who knew him.

I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders. We’ve created online resources that help leaders strengthen their character and communication skills to build strong relationships and inspire others to perform at the highest level.

You’ll discover:

  • Why my father never made one enemy throughout his entire life
  • How a strong work ethic drove everything he did
  • What Dad did to build trust instantly
  • The 3 words of sage advice Dad passed on to everyone in the family
  • Questions you can ask yourself as you reflect on your life and how you want to be remembered

Watch the episode:

Connect with Meredith


Listen to the GSL Podcast on YouTube
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Pandora
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Spotify
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Amazon
Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

195: Become the Person You Want to Network With

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word “networking”? If any of them are negative—or if you wish you could build a stronger network yourself—this episode is for you. My guest Frank Agin is a masterful networker, and he has invested decades in showing others how to do it right. You’ll hear valuable tips around making introductions, the benefits of being a Giver and not a Taker, and what to do at networking events.

Frank is president of AmSpirit Business Connections, which empowers entrepreneurs, sales representatives, and professionals to become successful through networking. He hosts the Networking Rx Podcast that’s packed with insights and interviews related to better business relationships. Frank is also the author of several books, including Foundational Networking, which I highly recommend if you’re interested in learning from a true thought leader around the importance of building professional relationships.

You’ll discover:

  • What many people get wrong about networking
  • The elements of foundational networking
  • Why KNOW, LIKE and TRUST are the keys to building strong business relationships
  • The infinite power of making introductions
  • Steps you can take to become effective at networking events

Watch the episode:


Connect with Frank


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

183: Living the Law of Giving and Receiving

183: Living the Law of Giving and Receiving

183: Living the Law of Giving and Receiving

Is there really a LAW of Giving and Receiving? Indeed there is, and Cynthia Kersey describes exactly how it’s worked in her own life…and how it can work in yours.

Cynthia shares the research and benefits around the power of giving. You’ll love the way she and her team live this every day at The Unstoppable Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to ensuring that every child on the planet has access to the life-long gift of education.

Cynthia embodies her message, and she’s integrated giving and contribution into her life and business for more than two decades. The Unstoppable Foundation has provided a daily education to over 100,000 children, and it also provides access to life-saving services such as clean water, health care, nutritious food, and income generation training to parents. The Foundation’s work has impacted the lives of more than 500,000 men, women, and children in Kenya alone!

You’ll discover:

  • What Cynthia learned about the power of giving after publishing her two books
  • How to leave the impression of increase with everyone you encounter
  • What a culture with the spirit of service and giving looks like
  • Two questions you can ask yourself to develop the mindset of giving
  • Why individuals and organizations alike have been enthusiastic donors to The Honor Foundation since Day 1

Watch the episode:


Connect with Cynthia


Cynthia’s Resources


Unstoppable Foundation



Unstoppable Women

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

by Mark Goulston

Whenever Meredith Bell and Dr. Mark Goulston have a conversation, rich observations and insights inevitably emerge. In this episode, they explore topics that are relevant no matter what role(s) you have in life. They talk about Mark’s latest projects and then delve into topics like kindness, generosity, and what it means to enjoy a fellow human being. That’s followed by a discussion of the impact we have as listeners on the person speaking to us, and as parents on our children. As always, Mark gives practical, actionable tips that you can use with the very next person you interact with!

You’ll discover:

  • The What Made You Smile Today movement that Mark started to help combat disconnection and loneliness
  • What’s behind the Count Me In Global Community
  • 3 questions you can ask yourself after every conversation to rate your listening…from the other person’s perspective
  • The secret to developing mentally healthy children
  • 2 questions parents can ask themselves about their relationship…from their kids’ perspective

Watch the episode:


Connect with Mark