065: Increase Your Sales with Authentic Persuasion

065: Increase Your Sales with Authentic Persuasion

How would you rate your confidence level in sales situations? If you feel it could use a boost, my guest Jason Cutter shares practical ideas you can start using immediately. He explains how to acquire more clients by adopting the approach of professionals like physicians, who diagnose problems and prescribe solutions. Jason is CEO of Cutter Consulting Group and sees himself as a sales success architect. His new book is Selling with Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taking to Quota Breaker, where he explains how a marine biologist with ZERO sales experience became a high-priced sales trainer hired by Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

You’ll discover:

  • Why “authentic” plus “persuasion” is a compelling framework for increasing sales
  • Tips for increasing your effectiveness when you’re in front of a potential client
  • How to incorporate your “flawed past” appropriately into sales conversations
  • Questions to ask that help you get at the “why” behind the client’s needs
  • The 5 aspects of your mindset that make the biggest difference in sales success

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064: How to Stop Selling and Start Serving

064: How to Stop Selling and Start Serving

Do you feel uptight in sales situations? My guest Ryan Stanley has a simple solution: focus on serving by doing the right thing for every person, every time. For 10 years, Ryan worked at The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in 2 roles: as an Admissions Coach, where he closed almost $22 Million in sales in 8 years, and as their first ever Internal Coach where he coached staff from entry level to C suite. Ryan took his sales and coaching expertise to new levels by co-founding Teach Me to Sell, an online Sales Training Organization focusing on working closely with Service Oriented SoloPreneurs to help them push past fears and blocks around sales. Ryan is also the author of Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful: A First Aid Kit for the Emotional Bumps, Scrapes, and Bruises of Life.

You’ll discover:

  • The #1 area coaches struggle with in their coaching practices
  • How Ryan helps coaches move past their fears related to selling
  • Why a focus on service pays off BIG in building your business
  • How you can use coaching skills in any sales situation
  • What you can do first thing in the morning to make the most of your day

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063: Go ALL IN and Eliminate Your Fears about Money

063: Go ALL IN and Eliminate Your Fears about Money

What limiting beliefs about money and your own potential are holding you back? My guest Chris Dorris shares profound insights and life-changing ideas in our conversation, including the 6 steps of his ALL IN process. Chris is a Mental Toughness who’s the psychological equivalent of a physical trainer. He helps clients develop mental exercises they can do every day to expand their thinking about themselves and the world. Bring pen and paper to this interview because Chris shares dozens of nuggets that you’ll want to record and review often.

You’ll discover:

  • Why “I can’t afford it” is never a true statement
  • How become an emotional master and effortlessly create more excellence
  • The difference between a DECISION and a GOAL
  • What a quantum leap is and the elements that allow one to occur for you
  • The importance of I AM statements to help you visualize and affirm your very best self

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062: Using Your Own Science As a Guide to a More Meaningful Life

062: Using Your Own Science As a Guide to a More Meaningful Life

What role can science play in organizational outcomes and personal well-being? My guest Sharon Strauss provides the answer to this question—and so much more—in this interview. Sharon is Founder of The Human Insight Group, an Executive Coaching and Leadership Advisory firm that serves clients globally. As the creator of HumanSight®, she uses insights from the latest neuroscience research to help her clients approach situations in new ways. Before becoming a coach, Sharon spent 15 years in her own technology consulting practice providing Fortune 500 companies with technical experts in internet networking and project leadership.

You’ll discover:

  • Why Sharon believes now is the time for a human revolution in the culture of organizations
  • What makes self-awareness and emotional regulation critical for all leaders
  • The science behind our brains and bodies
  • Why a sense of belonging and trust are essential for effective team interactions and results
  • The benefits of learning to pay attention to signals from your body

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061: The Superpower We All Have to Create an Extraordinary Life

061: The Superpower We All Have to Create an Extraordinary Life

061: The Superpower We All Have to Create an Extraordinary Life

by Darren Gold

Are some of your existing beliefs about yourself or about the world holding you back? If so, you’ll love the many gold nuggets Darren Gold shares in this interview! This is a man who faced serious, adverse situations while growing up yet was determined to prevail and make his life a success. Today Darren is Managing Partner of The Trium Group, where he serves as an executive coach to the CEOs of many of the world’s most influential companies. His excellent book, Master Your Code: The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life, explains how to identify old programs that are holding you back and invites you to adopt new approaches that serve you better.

You’ll discover:

  • Why all our beliefs are made up…and how you can expand them
  • What it really means to take 100% responsibility for your own choices
  • The power of forgiveness to release old resentments and hurts
  • The most important thing you can do to connect deeply with another person
  • How Darren uses Identity Reconstruction to help leaders increase their effectiveness

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