257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

257: How the CEO of Silicon Signs Lives His Purpose Every Day

What does it take to make the transition from being a star athlete in college to a successful  business owner? Meet Chase Dalton, CEO of Silicon Signs, who did just that. Chase is an extraordinary leader who lives daily the focus of this podcast, to Grow Strong Leaders, by developing himself and his people.  You are sure to be moved by the stories he shares from his business and from his life.

In college Chase was an outstanding athlete. He’s a three-time All-American in track and field and once held the title of Junior National Champion in the decathlon. You’ll find out which strengths transferred nicely to the challenges of starting and running a company. Chase leads a team 20 to create signs for brick-and-mortar businesses in all 50 states.

You’ll discover:

  • The process Chase and his team followed to create their values, vision, and mission
  • Ways that Chase and his team live their values on a daily basis
  • How his degree in Sociology has serve Chase well in his business
  • Why Chase views his employees as his customers – and how that impacts the way he spends his time
  • The near-death experience in 2020 that forever changed the way Chase shows up in the world

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Chase’s Resources


Silicon Signs

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Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

256: A Leader’s Impact on Culture and the Employee Journey

Do you know of a leader who worked with the same team of people for 12 years? Russel Lolacher achieved that feat. In this interview, Russel reveals exactly what he did to create the environment that caused every person to want to stay and give their best effort. You’ll learn valuable strategies that you can implement immediately with your own team.

Russel is an international speaker and the founder and host of Relationships at Work Podcast.  It’s the leadership guide to creating a workplace we love. On his show, Russel digs into timely and relevant topics with global experts on how to be better leaders and create healthy workplace cultures.

He’s held successful leadership and communication roles for almost 25 years, retaining one team for almost 12 years. Russel’s work and expertise in building employee and customer trust has been recognized on international stages and in multiple publications. He’s been named 4 times  as a Top Thought Leader by the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI).

You’ll discover:

  • Why Russel uses Air, Land, and Sea to describe the 3 levels of awareness that leaders must have
  • How Russel created a psychologically safe work environment for his team
  • What’s missing in most organizations after the onboarding process, to complete employee’s journey with an organization
  • The long-term impact of poor leadership on people, even after they leave the organization
  • Key take-aways Russel has learned from the guests on his podcast

Watch the episode:


Connect with Russel


Russel’s Resources


Russel Lolacher


Relationships at Work

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Listen to the GSL Podcast on Pandora
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Spotify
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Amazon
Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

255: The Importance of Growing Your People

The best leaders not only recognize and leverage their own unique abilities, they also do the same with everyone on their team. Mark Murphy has focused on both areas, with excellent results. This commitment has helped his company create “wow” experiences for their clients. Our conversation is packed with insights and strategies that you can incorporate into your own life.

Mark is the CEO of Northeast Sequoia Private Client Group, a national financial planning and wealth management firm. He is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to achieve multigenerational wealth by providing personalized strategies that focus on emotional fitness, wealth accumulation, and a plan that can work under all circumstances. His unwavering commitment to delivering a “wow” experience has earned him a reputation as a trusted expert in the industry.

Mark has been ranked #1 in New Jersey and #3 in the nation on the 2023 Forbes America’s Top Financial Security Professionals List. He’s the host of The Hero of The Hour Podcast and the author of 3 books including his latest, The Ultimate Investment: A Roadmap to Grow Your Business and Build Multigenerational Wealth. It’s a must-read for every business leader.

You’ll discover:

  • How leaders can identify and use their unique abilities
  • What Mark does to identify whether or not job candidates are aligned with his company’s core values
  • The 4 types of intelligence and the one Mark values most when hiring
  • The distinction Mark makes between differentiation and competition
  • The question he poses to someone who’s experienced a loss, disappointment, or setback

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Listen to the GSL Podcast on Spotify
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Amazon
Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

254: What Dr. Mark Goulston Is Dying to Tell You

254: What Dr. Mark Goulston Is Dying to Tell You

254: What Dr. Mark Goulston Is Dying to Tell You

How would you respond if you learned you had an illness that is likely to shorten your life? My guest Dr. Mark Goulston got that news, and it was a major wake-up call for him. He was inspired to create a series of videos on YouTube called, “I’m Dying to Tell You.”

This is a conversation you’ll want to listen to multiple times because it’s packed with so much life wisdom. Mark shares specific ways you can deepen the important relationships in your life…because, in the end, relationships are what matter most.

Mark is the host of the popular My Wakeup Call Podcast and the author of the best book you’ll ever read on the topic of listening, Just Listen.

You’ll discover:

  • The power of true vulnerability in strengthening relationships
  • How to approach a loved one if you’ve been too busy to listen to them
  • Why it’s important for you to be the one to start a conversation
  • The key question an executive can ask of every employee to create a positive culture change
  • How to use HUVA when you’re in a conversation so the other person feels uplifted afterwards

Watch the episode:

Connect with Mark


Mark’s Resources


Mark Goulston


Just Listen

Talking to Crazy


My Wakeup Call

YouTube Channel

I’m Dying to Tell You


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Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

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Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

253: Maximize the Power of LinkedIn

253: Maximize the Power of LinkedIn

253: Maximize the Power of LinkedIn

If someone took a look at your LinkedIn profile and your activity on that platform, what impression would they have? In case your answer involves any aspect of “needs improvement,” you’ll find this conversation with guest Jennifer Darling super valuable. She shares specific tips that will help you with 3 Ps: Profile, Posts, and People.

Jennifer is a master at creating visibility, making noise, and building relationships using LinkedIn. Her posts have generated 10’s of thousands of views, and she’s grown her network to over 8,000 high-quality connections.

She is one of the world’s foremost LinkedIn experts and the ONLY one who has 20+ years of advertising, sales and management experience. Jennifer has trained thousands of thought leaders to maximize their LinkedIn results—without having to invest hours and hours each week.

Jennifer is the author of Say Yes! Then Figure It Out and Increase Your Leads with LinkedIn. She’s also the creator of the Mastering LinkedIn Deep Dive Training, which Meredith has taken and highly recommends.

You’ll discover:

  • How to create an attention-grabbing banner and headline in your profile
  • Why a LinkedIn newsletter is an excellent content strategy
  • What to do when you want to become visible to your ideal connections
  • Tips for sending connection requests that get a positive response
  • The surprisingly small amount of time you can devote to being on LinkedIn – and what to do while you’re there

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jennifer


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Listen to the GSL Podcast on Pandora
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Spotify
Listen to the GSL Podcast on Amazon
Listen to the Grow Strong Leaders Podcast on iheartradio

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill