255: The Importance of Growing Your People
255: The Importance of Growing Your People
The best leaders not only recognize and leverage their own unique abilities, they also do the same with everyone on their team. Mark Murphy has focused on both areas, with excellent results. This commitment has helped his company create “wow” experiences for their clients. Our conversation is packed with insights and strategies that you can incorporate into your own life.
Mark is the CEO of Northeast Sequoia Private Client Group, a national financial planning and wealth management firm. He is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to achieve multigenerational wealth by providing personalized strategies that focus on emotional fitness, wealth accumulation, and a plan that can work under all circumstances. His unwavering commitment to delivering a “wow” experience has earned him a reputation as a trusted expert in the industry.
Mark has been ranked #1 in New Jersey and #3 in the nation on the 2023 Forbes America’s Top Financial Security Professionals List. He’s the host of The Hero of The Hour Podcast and the author of 3 books including his latest, The Ultimate Investment: A Roadmap to Grow Your Business and Build Multigenerational Wealth. It’s a must-read for every business leader.
You’ll discover:
- How leaders can identify and use their unique abilities
- What Mark does to identify whether or not job candidates are aligned with his company’s core values
- The 4 types of intelligence and the one Mark values most when hiring
- The distinction Mark makes between differentiation and competition
- The question he poses to someone who’s experienced a loss, disappointment, or setback
Watch the episode:
Mark’s Resources
Northeast Sequoia Private Client Group
The Ultimate Investment: A Roadmap to Grow Your Business and Build Multigenerational Wealth