316: What Will Be Your Leadership Legacy?

316: What Will Be Your Leadership Legacy?

316: What Will Be Your Leadership Legacy?

What wisdom could you extract from someone who’s had over 40 years of experience as a leader? An amazing amount if that leader is Oakland McCulloch. You’ll hear practical ideas and stories that will inspire you to elevate your own leadership.

Better known as Oak, our guest’s 40-plus years of leadership experience includes 23 in the U.S. Army, followed by various civilian positions. While in the Army, he was deployed overseas multiple times. Oak’s last position in the Army was a three-year tour as Professor of Military Science at the University of South Alabama, where he led the training and commissioning of Lieutenants and tripled the size of the program.

Oak is the author of an excellent book, Your Leadership Legacy: Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be, and he’s now an internationally recognized keynote speaker on leadership and success. As you listen to this conversation, you’ll see that Oak is a true servant leader.

You’ll discover:

  • What two high school mentors taught Oak about leadership
  • How Oak defines leadership
  • What’s required to build a culture of trust
  • Why Oak says, “Becoming a micromanager is the #1 mistake a leader can make.”
  • The importance of preparing young people for leadership roles—and what to focus on

Watch the episode:


Connect with Oak


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Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

Do the words “Compassion” and “Accountability” seem like opposites to you? My guest Dr. Nate Regier views them as such an important pairing that his new book, Compassionate Accountability: How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results, as well as his work with clients, focus on addressing them together. In this interview we discuss the three elements that bring these words together. Be ready to take notes, or even better, buy the book because Nate shares so many practical strategies in it.

Nate is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership firm dedicated to bringing compassion into the workplace. He’s brilliant in creating models that foster positive relationships and workplaces…and then teaching clients how to use them to transform their organizations.

You’ll discover:

  • The evolution of Compassion as a term and as a practice in the workplace
  • The two extremes on the Pendulum of Compassion
  • How three fundamental components of Compassionate Accountability apply to how leaders see themselves and their teams
  • Practical ways that leaders can bring these elements to life
  • Case studies of organizations that have operationalized these components

Watch the episode:

Connect with Nate


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

How do you hire, onboard and get the best results in a virtual workplace? Dr. Ronald Beach knows it takes a combination of communication skills, setting clear expectations, and taking time to create a strong relationship with each person on the team. He shares many useful tips from his two books, The Virtual Divide and The Virtual Bridge.

Ron is an Organizational Sociologist with a Ph. D. in Organization and Management.  He’s now at the University of Arizona Global Campus, where he serves as the Lead Faculty for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration within the Forbes School of Business and Technology®.

Before that Ron had more than 25 years’ experience as a manager in high tech manufacturing at companies like Western Digital and Hitachi. He’s also an award-winning author of 7 books.

You’ll discover:

  • How Ron applied lessons from his years in the Marines to his work in a high-tech manufacturing environment
  • Why it’s worth a leader’s time to schedule weekly calls with each person on their team
  • What to include in your onboarding to ensure a good match and high productivity long-term
  • Ron’s approach to managing his remote team of 84 full-time and adjunct faculty members at the University of Arizona

Watch the episode:

Connect with Ron


Ron’s Resources


Ronald Beach


The Virtual Bridge

The Virtual Divide

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill