Episode 007:  Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

Episode 007: Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

007: Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

by Whit Raymond

It can be tough to run your own practice as a business owner attending to business development and as a service professional providing value to your clients. Whit Raymond understands that challenge from both sides, as he’s alternated between being inside the corporate world and serving executive teams as an external advisor and strategic leadership coach. Whit is the founder of LodeStar Leadership LLC. He’s created a system for identifying which clients are the best fit for him and which ones to walk away from, while keeping everyone’s dignity intact.

You’ll discover:

  • How Whit decided on the kind of work he’d focus on with clients
  • How to coach yourself so you stay focused and on track
  • Two strategies for overcoming anxiety related to work
  • Three warning signs that a client may not be right for you

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