282: Creating the Conditions That Allow Others to Be Creative and Thrive

282: Creating the Conditions That Allow Others to Be Creative and Thrive

282: Creating the Conditions That Allow Others to Be Creative and Thrive

It’s not easy to make the transition from high-performing individual contributor to manager in an advertising agency (or in any industry, for that matter). TJ Bennett knows that first-hand because he was promoted to leadership roles with no advance preparation…and no training once he was in the position. In this episode, TJ shares lessons he learned along the way and the three primary areas he helps his coaching clients with.

TJ is the creative who helps creatives get creative with their career. Often beclad in cat-themed and/or Snoopy gear, TJ is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Once you find him, you’ll discover that his love for felines and cartoon beagles is matched by a mildly unhealthy obsession with making work not suck. He spends his days listening intently to clients, helping them uncover insights that spark life-altering possibilities.

And he spends his nights dreaming of the same thing, except everyone is dressed like clowns and he forgot to wear pants for some reason. Rest assured he will never show up to a session sans trousers and will always show up with a fresh perspective that makes you think about work a little differently.

TJ is the Founder of The Pudding Factory, where he serves as coach, creative problem solver, and writer. He’s the host of an excellent podcast, Desuckify Work.

You’ll discover:

  • How leaders can create themselves in order to help others be creative
  • What agency is and ways to develop it
  • Actions leaders can take to help their team members become autonomous
  • Ways to create accountability up, across, and down
  • The importance of values and purpose in helping people find meaning in their work

Watch the episode:

Connect with TJ


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

279: Why Leaders Must Be Accountable, Awake, and Aware

279: Why Leaders Must Be Accountable, Awake, and Aware

279: Why Leaders Must Be Accountable, Awake, and Aware


Do you have a daily mindfulness practice? If you don’t—or you’re not even sure what that is—you’ll find out from guest Pamela Stambaugh why such a practice is an essential part of your day. In this valuable conversation, Pamela explains why focusing on who you are being (BE) needs to precede the actions you take (DO) and the results you want to achieve (HAVE). You’ll learn how to practice 3 As—Accountable, Awake, and Aware—and how they impact your ability to lead and influence others.

Pamela is the President and Founder of Accountability Pays Inc., a certified woman-owned business. She has an MBA and is an ICF-certified executive coach. Recently, Pamela has begun to create products based on what she’s learned from coaching senior leaders and their teams for more than 25 years.

She’s worked with clients from diverse industries, including construction, medical devices, financial services, and manufacturing. Her clients have included companies like GE Healthcare, Abbott, and the San Diego Convention Center Corporation.

Pamela maintains her mindfulness by participating in personal transformation courses provided by Landmark Education and maintaining spiritual and athletic practices.

You’ll discover:

  • The Be Do Have model and how mindfulness fits in
  • Pamela’s daily mindfulness practices
  • Various ways that Being impacts your effectiveness as a leader
  • What’s required to be both a trustworthy and a trusting leader
  • Why leaders need to be trustworthy and trusting

Watch the episode:

Connect with Pamela


Pamela’s Website

Accountability Pays

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

250: What It Takes to Improve High-Impact Communication Skills

250: What It Takes to Improve High-Impact Communication Skills

250: What It Takes to Improve High-Impact Communication Skills

To celebrate Episode #250, Meredith invited her business partner of 32 years, Dr. Denny Coates, to be her guest and discuss insights they’ve acquired around skill development and behavior change.

Denny and Meredith were introduced to each other in 1990 and met for breakfast to get acquainted. Three hours later, they were still talking. They are still fascinated with each other’s thinking as they’ve evolved as individuals and as a company over the past 3 decades

Denny is CEO of Grow Strong Leaders and is the primary author of the company’s products and books. He’s a graduate of West Point and the Army Ranger School and earned his Ph.D. from Duke University. He served on the faculties of the United States Military Academy, the Armed Forces Staff College, the College of William and Mary, and the Center for Creative Leadership.

You’ll discover:

  • How knowledge and skills are different
  • What it takes to establish a skill so you use it automatically
  • Why it’s important to focus on improving just one skill at a time
  • How to provide coaching to every person in an organization
  • What the peer coaching process looks like

Watch the episode:

Connect with Denny


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

233: Use Compassionate Accountability to Build Connection and Get Results

Do the words “Compassion” and “Accountability” seem like opposites to you? My guest Dr. Nate Regier views them as such an important pairing that his new book, Compassionate Accountability: How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results, as well as his work with clients, focus on addressing them together. In this interview we discuss the three elements that bring these words together. Be ready to take notes, or even better, buy the book because Nate shares so many practical strategies in it.

Nate is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership firm dedicated to bringing compassion into the workplace. He’s brilliant in creating models that foster positive relationships and workplaces…and then teaching clients how to use them to transform their organizations.

You’ll discover:

  • The evolution of Compassion as a term and as a practice in the workplace
  • The two extremes on the Pendulum of Compassion
  • How three fundamental components of Compassionate Accountability apply to how leaders see themselves and their teams
  • Practical ways that leaders can bring these elements to life
  • Case studies of organizations that have operationalized these components

Watch the episode:

Connect with Nate


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

222: Connecting Remote Teams with Responsibility and Accountability

How do you hire, onboard and get the best results in a virtual workplace? Dr. Ronald Beach knows it takes a combination of communication skills, setting clear expectations, and taking time to create a strong relationship with each person on the team. He shares many useful tips from his two books, The Virtual Divide and The Virtual Bridge.

Ron is an Organizational Sociologist with a Ph. D. in Organization and Management.  He’s now at the University of Arizona Global Campus, where he serves as the Lead Faculty for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration within the Forbes School of Business and Technology®.

Before that Ron had more than 25 years’ experience as a manager in high tech manufacturing at companies like Western Digital and Hitachi. He’s also an award-winning author of 7 books.

You’ll discover:

  • How Ron applied lessons from his years in the Marines to his work in a high-tech manufacturing environment
  • Why it’s worth a leader’s time to schedule weekly calls with each person on their team
  • What to include in your onboarding to ensure a good match and high productivity long-term
  • Ron’s approach to managing his remote team of 84 full-time and adjunct faculty members at the University of Arizona

Watch the episode:

Connect with Ron


Ron’s Resources


Ronald Beach


The Virtual Bridge

The Virtual Divide

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill