228: Start Within to Change Your World

228: Start Within to Change Your World

228: Start Within to Change Your World

Do you expend energy trying to make others wrong so you can be right? Rich Habets is a master of facilitating powerful discussions 1-1 and with teams by asking questions and not making anyone wrong. In this conversation, he shares what he does to guide clients to look within and listen for the gold in what others say.

Rich is the founder and lead coach at Insight, Inc. Over the past 14 years, he’s dedicated himself to empowering more than 6,000 individuals and collaborating with more than 30 world-class companies, helping them break through barriers and achieve unparalleled performance.

What’s interesting is that Rich’s clients are already a force to be reckoned with, but his expertise serves as the catalyst that propels them to even greater heights. He’s operated behind the scenes for years as a silent but powerful ally in their journeys.

His mission is to help others harness their untapped potential so they transform their lives into a beacon of success, growth, and personal accomplishment. 

You’ll discover:

  • The benefits of being open and vulnerable with others
  • Why Rich focuses on who he is BEING when he works with clients
  • How Rich helps leaders raise their awareness about their own behaviors
  • The powerful questions Rich uses to help leaders discover the blind spots and gaps
  • Ways to make meetings more productive

Watch the episode:

Connect with Rich


Rich’s Website

Richard Habets

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

207: Building Trust at Penn State Health

Have you ever gone on a Listening Tour? That’s what Hillary Miller did in her first 3 months at Penn State Health in her role as Chief Learning Officer. What she learned in her conversations with hundreds of people allowed her and her team to design programs that were relevant and well received.

Hillary has also set up a Learning Council across the organization that enables people in all types of positions to have a voice. You will love the types of questions Hillary shares throughout this conversation that encourage people to speak openly and build strong trust.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 questions Hillary asked each person she met with during your listening tour
  • What Hillary has done to build trust and high performance with her own team
  • The weekly Development Sessions Hillary and her team have…and how she’s expanding them to other parts of the organization
  • The growth she went through to make it easy for her to say “I’m not perfect” and “I made a mistake”
  • Why Hillary is a big believer in humor and laughter

Watch the episode:

Connect with Hillary


Hillary’s Resources


Penn State Health

Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

072: Create Alignment for Success through Innovation

072: Create Alignment for Success through Innovation

How can you take a fresh look at your work so you and your team continue to innovate and adapt to change? Katharine Halpin founded her firm The Halpin Companies 25 years ago to fill a void she saw in her CPA career. Katharine has helped leadership and management teams increase their effectiveness in engaging each other and their colleagues, her clients tend to grow 2-3x because of the innovation that gets ignited from the new work environment. She’s the author of Alignment for Success, and we discuss key ideas from this book. Come prepared to take notes from all the nuggets Katharine shares!

You’ll discover:

  • The areas in work and life that need to be aligned in order to achieve lasting success
  • Suggestions for being productive in a remote work environment
  • How to create a safe environment that encourages people to come up with innovative ideas
  • Three self-care actions you can take in order to work at your best
  • How to create Strategic Think Time to ensure you’re focused on the right actions

Watch the episode:


Connect with Katharine


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Strong for Performance

Create a Coaching Culture with Learning & Development Programs That Stick