297: Astonish Others with Unexpected Acts of Generosity

297: Astonish Others with Unexpected Acts of Generosity

297: Astonish Others with Unexpected Acts of Generosity

In this episode, I talk about different ways you can uplevel the way you serve others in your world. When you apply these ideas, you won’t just surprise or delight them, you’ll actually ASTONISH them.

I share specific examples of things I’ve done. As you listen, consider how you can incorporate some of them in your own unique way with the people in your life.

I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders, a company that publishes software tools and books to help people build strong relationships at work and at home.

You’ll discover:

  • The one question to ask yourself before every conversation that’s important to you
  • What another person feels from you when you express genuine curiosity in them
  • How to make introductions that stand out
  • Ways you can use social media to acknowledge people in your world
  • Why expressions of appreciation are so powerful

Watch the episode:

Connect with Meredith


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

297: Astonish Others with Unexpected Acts of Generosity

293: A Deeper Level of Appreciation

293: A Deeper Level of Appreciation

Think of a person who takes up more real estate in your mind than you’d like…someone whose words or behavior you find annoying, irritating or worse.

What if you could transform your attitude towards that person into one of gratitude?

In this episode, I describe a simple yet powerful way to help you appreciate the value of every person in your world.

I kick things off by sharing a thought-provoking quote from Chapter 7, “Attitude,” in one of my all-time favorite books, The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. You can ponder those words for a long time when considering your own role in creating a positive relationship with someone important to you.

I also talk about a simple process you can complete before a conversation to help you develop a greater appreciation for the person you’re about the meet with.

I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders, a company that publishes software tools and books to help people build strong relationships at work and at home.

You’ll discover:

  • Two definitions of appreciate that I learned from Dan Sullivan, CEO of Strategic Coach
  • An exercise you can complete before you meet with someone to ensure you bring a positive attitude
  • The positive impact of completing the exercise
  • What appreciation means for the other person

Watch the episode:

Connect with Meredith


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

234: Practicing The Collaborative Way

234: Practicing The Collaborative Way

234: Practicing The Collaborative Way

What would happen if everyone in an organization adopted a collaborative approach to working together? Lloyd Fickett has facilitated such transformations scores of times over the past 20+ years with a set of 5 practices he created called The Collaborative Way. In this powerful conversation, Lloyd explains each one and describes the benefits that individuals, teams, and entire companies experience as a result of living these practices.

Lloyd founded Lloyd Fickett & Associates, Inc. in 1983, a management consulting firm initially focused on leadership, team building and extraordinary performance. In 1990 he developed The Collaborative Way® while working with Rodel, one of his clients. Since then, Lloyd

has helped his clients adopt The Collaborative Way® in order to build the futures they envision while navigating challenges like rapid growth, mergers, acquisitions, and other market pressures.

Lloyd is co-author of two books, The Collaborative Way®: A Story About Engaging the Mind and Spirit of a Company and Leading the Collaborative Way: Overcoming the Seven Most Common Pitfalls.

You’ll discover:

  • What led Lloyd to create The Collaborative Way while working with Rodel, one of his clients
  • Why Listening Generously is the #1 practice
  • That Honoring Commitments is not just about making them
  • The distinction Lloyd makes between Acknowledgement and Appreciation
  • The benefits one company has experienced by practicing the 5 commitments for 25 years

Watch the episode:

Connect with Lloyd


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

153: Be a Go-Giver in Marriage and Life

153: Be a Go-Giver in Marriage and Life

153: Be a Go-Giver in Marriage and Life

What if you could find out secrets to a strong marriage and then discover that these same secrets can apply to all your relationships? That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this profound conversation I had with John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann, co-authors of The Go-Giver Marriage.

John is coauthor of more than 30 books, including his classic 2008 parable The Go-Giver, coauthored with Bob Burg. Ana is a clinical psychologist and therapist currently focused on training coaches around the globe to lead The Go-Giver Marriage workshops.

You’ll discover:

  • The role John and Ana each played in the creation of this book
  • The one principle that underlies all 5 secrets
  • Specific words you can say to express appreciation
  • Which secret is a favorite for John and for Ana – and why
  • Why they refer to one’s partner as an “unexplored continent”

Watch the episode:


Connect with John


Connect with Ana


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

What if you could welcome conflicts instead of avoiding or dreading them? My guest Jason Digges describes how it’s possible to do just that by using Authentic Relating. We talk about that topic and many other ideas from his excellent book, Conflict = Energy, The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating. You will want to take notes because Jason shares a wealth of practical ideas you can apply at work and at home.

Jason is a modern renaissance man. He’s equal parts artist, philosopher, teacher, and media producer. From 2003-2012 he worked for Integral Institute to create thousands of hours of educational media on the topics of transpersonal psychology, spirituality, productivity, and personal growth. Jason is obsessed with how humans can live and relate optimally. Since 2012, he’s facilitated groups and taught authentic relating and circling courses in over 20 cities around the world.

You’ll discover:

  • The 5 practices involved in Authentic Relating (AR)
  • Why Appreciation is a key element in building trust and strong relationships
  • The roles of Noticing, Appreciating, and Curiosity in AR
  • Why Dignity + Humility = Transformation and how the shadow side of each can get in the way of connecting with others
  • How leaders can create psychological safety so people feel free to speak up and share their thoughts and feelings

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jason


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill