293: A Deeper Level of Appreciation
293: A Deeper Level of Appreciation
Think of a person who takes up more real estate in your mind than you’d like…someone whose words or behavior you find annoying, irritating or worse.
What if you could transform your attitude towards that person into one of gratitude?
In this episode, I describe a simple yet powerful way to help you appreciate the value of every person in your world.
I kick things off by sharing a thought-provoking quote from Chapter 7, “Attitude,” in one of my all-time favorite books, The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. You can ponder those words for a long time when considering your own role in creating a positive relationship with someone important to you.
I also talk about a simple process you can complete before a conversation to help you develop a greater appreciation for the person you’re about the meet with.
I’m the co-founder and president of Grow Strong Leaders, a company that publishes software tools and books to help people build strong relationships at work and at home.
You’ll discover:
- Two definitions of appreciate that I learned from Dan Sullivan, CEO of Strategic Coach
- An exercise you can complete before you meet with someone to ensure you bring a positive attitude
- The positive impact of completing the exercise
- What appreciation means for the other person
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