284: You Can Grow Strong Character

284: You Can Grow Strong Character

284: You Can Grow Strong Character

Character has always been essential for anyone in a leadership position. But what exactly IS character? And is it a fixed aspect of who you are, or can it be developed?

In this episode, you’ll learn the answers to those questions from a special guest, Denny Coates, who’s been Meredith’s business partner for almost 33 years. He’s the CEO of Grow Strong Leaders, and his genius is in writing and creating content for the company’s books and products.

Denny has studied character for decades, and he’s just published a new book, Grow Strong Character, that explores this topic in depth. Together, he and Meredith developed a new online, self-paced leadership program called GSL SkillBuilder that facilitates mastery of high-impact communication skills and character skills.

You’ll discover:

  • How Denny defines character
  • The relationship of communication skills and character to emotional intelligence
  • What’s required to strengthen a specific character skill
  • The role of coaching in the mastery of any skill
  • GSL SkillBuilder’s unique structure for growing strong character

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Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

220: Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles

220: Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles

220: Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles

Want some inspiration and practical tips for surmounting obstacles in your life? You’ll get both from Jill Tietjen, who shares stories about the adversity faced by several of the 50 women featured in her latest book, Over, Under, Around, and Through: How Hall of Famers Surmount Obstacles.

Jill is an author, international speaker, and an electrical engineer. After more than 45 years in the electric utility industry, her professional focus is now on women’s advocacy, worldwide. She speaks internationally on the accomplishments of women, nominates women for awards, and continues to write books, with 12 published to date.

Her first 2 books about women were bestsellers and award-winners: Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America and Hollywood: Her Story, An Illustrated History of Women and the Movies.

Jill has been inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame, the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame, and the National Academy of Construction. 

You’ll discover:

  • How Jill got the idea to write this book
  • The wide range of obstacles faced by the 50 women featured in the book
  • The 10 common characteristics they shared
  • Key take-aways readers have reported
  • Tips for surmounting the obstacles in your life

Watch the episode:

Connect with Jill


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

209: Why Paying Attention Is the Start Point of Emotional Intelligence

209: Why Paying Attention Is the Start Point of Emotional Intelligence

209: Why Paying Attention Is the Start Point of Emotional Intelligence

What’s required for a person with technical expertise to develop Emotional Intelligence (EI)? Susan Schwartz provides excellent insights and examples in this interview. As a high tech professional and leader, Susan learned the importance of developing EI in order to work effectively with her team. And now she coaches professionals in technical fields on how to become more effective as leaders of people.

Susan Schwartz is a leadership and management coach. For more than 20 years prior to that, she led teams herself and coached professionals to their next career level. Her Expert To Excellence® programs are designed to help knowledge experts in technical fields make sense of intangible leadership concepts and equip them to create amazing, collaborative teams. She uses the EQ-I 2.0 assessment to help them identify

Susan is the author of Creating a Greater Whole:  A Project Manager’s Guide to Becoming a Leader. In this excellent book she unlocks the not-so-secret secrets of how aspiring managers can become strong leaders. 

She also serves on the Executive Committee of the weekly group, Inclusive Leadership in a Virtual World (ILVW), where she and Meredith first met. If you’re committed to growing as a leader, this is an outstanding group to be a part of.

You’ll discover:

  • The one skill that’s at the core of all other leadership skills
  • What technical professionals struggle with most when they transition from individual contributor to leader
  • Why Susan emphasizes the importance of Reflective Exercises to learn from your experiences
  • Success stories of clients who’ve raised their emotional intelligence as a result of Susan’s coaching

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Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

178: Leadership Is Not about Position or Title

178: Leadership Is Not about Position or Title

178: Leadership Is Not about Position or Title

What does it take to become a truly effective leader, one people want to follow? Pat Lattore has thought deeply about this question and has been involved in developing strong leaders for the past 45 years. In this conversation, he shares brilliant insights about the roles that influence, emotional intelligence, and culture play in the shaping of leaders.

Pat served in various leadership roles inside organizations and then founded his consulting company P.A.L. Leadership, LLC, in 1992 to: provide leadership development and executive coaching; improve collaboration and teamwork; and facilitate organizational change. His years of experience in so many fields have given him a unique perspective that you’re sure to enjoy and appreciate.

You’ll discover:

  • How Pat defines leadership
  • Why Pat says real leadership is not positional
  • The skills and traits required to be an effective leader
  • What leaders must do to build currency in order to have influence
  • Why Pat says the most profound leadership exchange happens between mother and child

Watch the episode:

Connect with Pat


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

161: Why EQ Matters More than IQ for Leaders

161: Why EQ Matters More than IQ for Leaders

161: Why EQ Matters More than IQ for Leaders

What does it look like when the CEO of a publicly traded company treats people as the company’s #1 asset? Phil Gallagher does just that. He’s an extraordinary leader whose motto is, “When people feel good, they do good.”

Phil is the CEO of Avnet, a publicly traded company with annual sales north of 20 billion dollars and more than 14,000 employees worldwide and ship to 140 countries. They’re #167 on Fortune 500.

You’ll discover:

  • The value of self-awareness in a leader’s growth
  • How Phil developed his own EQ
  • Why asking for feedback and receiving it well is a critical skill for every leader
  • Some of the little things Phil does to strengthen relationships
  • The difference in leaders who head Avnet’s highest-performing locations vs. the lowest-performing locations

Watch the episode:

Connect with Phil through Avnet


Avnet’s Website


Connect with Your Team

Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill