045: Coaching Yourself through Crisis

045: Coaching Yourself through Crisis

045: Coaching Yourself through Crisis

by Pamela Cournoyer

Have you or someone you know had to deal with a serious health issue? My guest Pamela Cournoyer faced Stage 4 Lymphoma in 2012, and she is thriving today. In this interview she describes her journey from diagnosis to recovery and talks about how she uses this experience and insight in her work with clients today. Pamela is an internationally recognized conflict management maven, and her specialties include mastering mindset, boundary setting, and resolving conflict.

You’ll discover:

  • What a friend said that shocked Pamela into creating a recovery plan
  • Why she put together a team of coaches to help her through treatment and recovery of her illness
  • How Pamela helps clients change their perspective about past failures so they appreciate these experiences as gifts
  • The Serenity Process Pamela uses to guide clients to slow down, think clearly and get past roadblocks

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044: How to Be a Hope-Driven Leader

044: How to Be a Hope-Driven Leader

What does it mean to create hope in yourself and others? My guest Libby Gill wrote an entire book about this fascinating topic. In this excellent interview, Libby brings to life the concepts in her book, The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work, with examples of leaders who are the shapers of hope-driven cultures. Libby is an executive coach, leadership expert and award-winning author. She’s also been in the trenches as the former head of communications at media giants Sony, Universal, and Turner Broadcasting.

You’ll discover:

  • Why hope and hopefulness are critical components of a healthy corporate culture
  • How a servant leadership attitude helps shape a culture of hope
  • The essential factors needed for team communication to be effective
  • The 4 attributes that employees cite most often about leaders who contributed significantly to their lives

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043: Find Your Fastest Path to Cash

043: Find Your Fastest Path to Cash

Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to double or triple your revenue? My guest Adam Urbanski is known as the Millionaire Marketing Mentor for a reason. Over the past 20 years, he’s helped thousands of coaches, consultants and other service professionals achieve ambitious revenue goals in as little as 90 days. I’ve known Adam since 2006, and he’s the real deal. He knows how to help you monetize your unique genius, attract more ideal clients, and close high-value sales. I recommend you connect with him on Facebook to experience his magic first-hand.

You’ll discover:

  • A 3-pronged approach to go from idea to clients and money in the bank
  • How Adam uses his personal Facebook account to engage and acquire his ideal clients
  • The 6 criteria Adam uses for his Perfect Client Persona – and how to create yours
  • Why Adam says Marketing = Teaching
  • Questions you can ask in a sales conversation that help you determine if there’s a good fit

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042: The 5 Disciplines for Adding Zeros to Your Revenue and Profits

042: The 5 Disciplines for Adding Zeros to Your Revenue and Profits

042: The 5 Disciplines for Adding Zeros to Your Revenue and Profits

by Brad Sugars

If you’re a business owner who wants to expand your business dramatically, this episode is for you. My guest Brad Sugars is the founder and Chairman of ActionCoach, the #1 global business coaching franchise that he’s grown to 1,000 coaches in more than 80 countries. He’s also the author of 17 books, including the one we discussed in this episode: Pulling Profits Out of a Hat: Adding Zeros to Your Company Isn’t Magic. Brad Sugars reveals the most important disciplines you must follow if you’d like your business to experience exponential growth.

You’ll discover:

  • Common mistakes that entrepreneurs make…and what to do differently
  • The 5 disciplines every business owner needs to pay attention to continuously
  • How to create a mission statement that employees remember and live by
  • How to leverage and scale your business without sacrificing your life
  • Ideas that you can use yourself and share with clients

Watch the episode:


Connect with Brad


041: Serve Clients So Powerfully That They Can’t Shut Up about You

041: Serve Clients So Powerfully That They Can’t Shut Up about You

041: Serve Clients So Powerfully That They Can’t Shut Up about You

by Adam Kawalec

What if there were a simpler, easier way to acquire new clients? My guest Adam Kawalec is a Life and Leadership Coach whose approach results in 83% of his potential clients saying YES. These days, he invests no money in marketing his services. Instead, he asks for and receives referrals on a continuous basis due to the transformation his clients experience in their work with him. Adam is based in Sweden and coaches clients virtually around the globe. You’ll be inspired by Adam’s passion for his work and commitment to his clients’ success, and you’ll hear specific ideas for expanding your own business.

You’ll discover:

  • Adam’s alternative to traditional marketing approaches
  • What Adam does in his initial conversation with potential clients to cause them to want to work with him
  • An approach to asking for referrals that really works and doesn’t feel sleazy
  • The world’s simplest coaching model in just 3 steps
  • The role of curiosity, questions and genuine caring to connect on a deep level with a client

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