020: Don’t Try to Be Perfect with Your Clients

020: Don’t Try to Be Perfect with Your Clients

020: Don’t Try to Be Perfect with Your Clients

by Aaron Young

Do you feel pressured to show up with clients as someone who has it all together? My guest Aaron Young argues that always showing the “shiny” version of your life is not as compelling as being transparent. Aaron is Chairman and CEO at Laughlin Associates, and his life’s work is to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection. His personal history includes a year spent in prison. His willingness to share that with audiences and prospective clients has had the effect of bringing him more business.

You’ll discover:

  • Why it’s OK to be open with clients about your own challenges
  • How to stand out and be compelling by leverage your unique past
  • What entrepreneurs do that often get in the way of success
  • How to ensure your business thrives even during tough economic times
  • Why so many coaches don’t earn the money they’d like to

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019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

by Jonathan Keyser

Have you ever wondered if a business can really be sustainable if you focus exclusively on serving others? That’s exactly how my guest Jonathan Keyser has built his commercial real company. In his new book, You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win: The Art of Badass Selfless Service, Jonathan describes the stages of his own awakening to this approach when working in the cut-throat, back-stabbing commercial real estate industry. Now he’s on a mission to transform that industry as well as other companies open to a way of doing business that’s focused on helping others.

You’ll discover:

  • Why Jonathan credits his own coaches for where he is today
  • How to make SERVICE a mindset that drives your thoughts and actions
  • The 15 principles that have guided Keyser since Day 1
  • How going above and beyond for clients results in long-term sustainable success
  • Examples of Keyser team members who display extraordinary acts of kindness and service

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018: Acquire More Clients by Living Service

018: Acquire More Clients by Living Service

018: Acquire More Clients by Living Service

by Melissa Ford

Are you ready to shift from struggling coach to thriving professional? My guest Melissa Ford has walked that path herself. In her new book, Living Service: The Journey of a Prosperous Coach, Melissa describes the uneven steps she took on her way to establish a truly successful coaching practice. She shares the beliefs that held her back and how she broke through them to create more clients than she’d ever dreamed possible. Today, in addition to her own clients, Melissa works with other coaches to help them build a prosperous business.

You’ll discover:

  • How coaches can apply H.O.W. (Honest, Open and Willing) to themselves and to their work with clients
  • One sentence that can transform an argument into a profound listening and learning experience
  • The three stages of learning for a coach and how to avoid getting stuck in the first two
  • Why it’s important for coaches to have their own coach
  • Questions you can ask yourself to evaluate and revise your current client acquisition system

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017: A Model for Accelerating Leadership and Creating a Coaching Culture

017: A Model for Accelerating Leadership and Creating a Coaching Culture

017: A Model for Accelerating Leadership and Creating a Coaching Culture

by Lance Hazzard

Sometimes executive coaching falls short of the expected outcomes. My guest Lance Hazzard has developed a system to ensure all the right stakeholders are involved so the coaching engagement is a resounding success. Lance created this process based three unique experiences: (1) as a senior HR executive who received coaching, (2) as an internally certified coach working with other leaders inside the company, and (3) as an external coach working with clients. Lance is President of Oppna Executive and Achievement Coaching, co-author of Accelerating Leadership.

You’ll discover:

  • The 2 key people to involve in a leader’s coaching experience (besides the leader and the coach)
  • How to structure an alignment meeting to ensure everyone understands and commits to their respective roles
  • What you can do to ensure all the stakeholders stay engaged with the coaching process
  • Why these elements contribute to the establishment of a coaching culture within the organization
  • How to use assessments to determine the areas of focus for a specific leader and to measure improvements

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016: Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Network AND Your Business

016: Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Network AND Your Business

016: Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Network AND Your Business

by John Nemo

Have you struggled with how to use LinkedIn most effectively? Meet John Nemo, author of LinkedIn Riches and Content Marketing Made Easy. John helps coaches, consultants and other service professionals make the most of this powerful platform. He knows that creating the right connections and then building strong relationships with them are the keys to expanding your business. In this interview John shares many specific strategies you can start using TODAY.

You’ll discover:

  • How to create a LinkedIn profile that attracts your ideal clients
  • Why it’s important to focus on just ONE niche instead of trying to appeal to everyone
  • How to personalize your connections requests and increase the number of acceptances
  • A template for a script you can use with 1st level connections that elicit responses and start a conversation
  • Why you’ll want to ask permission before sending links or resources to someone
  • How to write up a client success story as a case study that does the selling for you

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