010: Add a New Revenue Stream to Your Coaching Services

010: Add a New Revenue Stream to Your Coaching Services

010: Add a New Revenue Stream to Your Coaching Services

by Shohreh Aftahi

Have you been looking for a way to scale your business without putting in longer hours and more effort? When she transitioned from corporate executive to business adviser, Dr. Shohreh Aftahi found that she needed to get creative in order to serve her audience of small business owners. She developed a special program that brought her 50+ coaching clients in the first 6 months! In this episode she reveals the elements of her blueprint.

You’ll discover:

  • How to create a profit center focused on small business owners
  • Ways to scale your business without increasing hours and effort
  • A powerful tool and process for impacting more leaders
  • How conversations at Starbucks and on an airplane led to 6-figure contracts

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009: Take Risks to Acquire Clients Who Pay What You’re Worth

009: Take Risks to Acquire Clients Who Pay What You’re Worth

009: Take Risks to Acquire Clients Who Pay What You’re Worth

by Marc Mawhinney

Many “gurus” are giving coaches and consultants some bad advice by discouraging them from actually coaching, according to my guest Marc Mawhinney. And Marc should know. He’s worked directly with hundreds of coaches since 2014 and has a popular Facebook group, The Coaching Jungle, with 16,000+ members. In this interview Marc explains why it’s important to first build up a base of client fans who get fabulous results from working with you before you attempt to create other revenue sources, such as online courses. Marc also shares many of the strategies he uses with his own coaching clients to help them achieve their goals.

You’ll discover:

  • How to keep your business development simple with 3 pillars
  • 5 criteria Mark has created for evaluating his ideal clients
  • How to identify a niche to focus on
  • Why your social media efforts may not be getting the results you hope for
  • Why it’s okay to be controversial in the positions you take

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008: Unleash Your Creativity by Challenging Beliefs and Thoughts

008: Unleash Your Creativity by Challenging Beliefs and Thoughts

008: Unleash Your Creativity by Challenging Beliefs and Thoughts

by Steve Chandler

In this special one-hour episode, Coach Extraordinaire Steve Chandler shares brilliant tips that can help you on two levels – with your own personal growth and in your work with clients. Steve is the author of more than 30 books, and Meredith has read 12 of them, each one outstanding in its own right. In this interview, Steve takes a deeper dive into the golden nuggets contained in his latest books, CREATOR and Right Now. You’ll want to listen more than once to capture all the valuable insights Steve shares here about future vs present, being playful vs serious, and other contrasting concepts.

You’ll discover:

  • Questions you can ask current and prospective clients to go deeper in your conversations
  • How to help clients remove the labels that limit their identify and actions
  • Why the concept of an “inner critic” is just plain wrong
  • How to help someone pull a future event that feels scary into the present moment so it becomes positive and exciting
  • The best script to bring with you into a sales conversation
  • How to slow down and see opportunities that are right in front of you rather than striving for the next big thing

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Episode 007:  Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

Episode 007: Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

007: Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

by Whit Raymond

It can be tough to run your own practice as a business owner attending to business development and as a service professional providing value to your clients. Whit Raymond understands that challenge from both sides, as he’s alternated between being inside the corporate world and serving executive teams as an external advisor and strategic leadership coach. Whit is the founder of LodeStar Leadership LLC. He’s created a system for identifying which clients are the best fit for him and which ones to walk away from, while keeping everyone’s dignity intact.

You’ll discover:

  • How Whit decided on the kind of work he’d focus on with clients
  • How to coach yourself so you stay focused and on track
  • Two strategies for overcoming anxiety related to work
  • Three warning signs that a client may not be right for you

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Connect with Whit


Episode 006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Receiving

Episode 006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Receiving

006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Asking

by Ana Melikian

As a coach and consultant, you probably find it natural to give. You may find it more difficult to ask or receive. Dr. Ana Melikian shares a powerful set of actions steps that can strengthen relationships with your core network in a meaningful way. She explains the difference between nurturing your core network of 100 and doing outreach to 20 people you want to know and add to your network. Ana is the host of the MINDSET ZONE Podcast and Founder of Tech Tips for Coaches. She works closely with coaches, consultants, trainers and speakers to help them achieve their big goals.

You’ll discover:

  • The benefits of sharing relevant information with your network
  • How you can become an effective connector
  • Why it pays to cultivate positivity and relate on a basic human level
  • How to put your “Ask” in gear to generate new business


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Ana’s Website

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