286: Heal from Your Past and Master Your Destiny

286: Heal from Your Past and Master Your Destiny

286: Heal from Your Past and Master Your Destiny

Some personal development programs focus on digging into your past to uncover what might be holding you back. Others emphasize getting over your past and focusing exclusively on your future. In this conversation Moustafa Hamwi makes a compelling argument for giving attention to both. He shares practical tips from his book, SLINGSHOT: The Practical Guide to Becoming a Master of Your Destiny, Not a Victim of Your History, that you can begin implementing immediately.

Moustafa is a bestselling author, international speaker, and mindset coach. His background spans diverse disciplines—from executive coaching, hypnotherapy, yoga, and meditation to adventure sports and nature healing.

Moustafa’s unique lifestyle as an executive nomad has him traversing the globe, often spending months living out of a campervan, immersing himself in diverse cultures, and forging a deep connection with nature.

His quest for self-discovery leads him to learning and meditation centers worldwide, exploring the intricacies of mind, body, and soul. He’s globally recognized as a foremost expert and thought leader in reigniting passion within organizations and teams.

You’ll discover:

  • The story behind the book and what’s unique about Moustafa’s methodology
  • Why it’s important to go through your past and not try to get over it
  • How to rewrite your story so it serves you and doesn’t limit you
  • Why courage, humility, and discipline are critical elements of effective leadership
  • Tips for mastering your mindset so it frees you to master your destiny

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Moustafa Hamwi


SLINGSHOT: The Practical Guide to Becoming a Master of Your Destiny, Not a Victim of Your History

NOTE: As a gift from Moustafa, fill in the form and in the field for Code enter GSL to receive the bonus pack without buying the book!


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277: Build Your Cultural Agility As a Leader

277: Build Your Cultural Agility As a Leader

277: Build Your Cultural Agility As a Leader

What’s required to work effectively with people from different cultures? Paula Caligiuri has been studying this question for 30 years, and she’s created strategies that leverage your natural strengths while developing cultural agility competencies. You’ll gain valuable insights that you can apply immediately when working with diverse populations locally or globally.

Paula is a Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University’s D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Before that, she was a professor of HR management at Rutgers University for 18 years. She’s also the Founder and CEO of Skiilify and the creator of the free MyGiide assessment.

Her specialty concerns cultural agility’s importance as a critical leadership competence. She explains it all in her excellent book, Build Your Cultural Agility: The Nine Competencies of Successful Global Professionals.

You’ll discover:

  • What cultural agility is, and why it’s critical for leaders
  • Why Paula considers curiosity and humility to be key competencies for cultural agility
  • The dangers of training around unconscious bias
  • Paula’s approach to training that fosters open, honest conversations
  • Insights from research projects that Paula has conducted

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How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill

243: How a Leader Can Use TIME to Have Impact

243: How a Leader Can Use TIME to Have Impact

243: How a Leader Can Use TIME to Have Impact

Being voted a “Best Place to Work” doesn’t happen by accident. Aaron Wilmot shares what’s he learned about creating the kind of culture where people are excited to come to work and put forth their best efforts. He points out several leadership behaviors that are key to this environment, including the investment of time in getting to know people and what’s important to them.

Aaron is the Vice President of People and Talent at AgentSync, one of the Best Places to Work in Denver. Aaron has been working in the People space for nearly 20 years, and he has experience in a range of industries from Ground Handling to SaaS and a variety of stages from mature to start up.

You’ll discover:

  • What a Best Place to Work looks like
  • Why time, not money, is a key element in leadership
  • The role of the C-suite in creating a positive culture
  • Key traits Aaron looks for when hiring new employees
  • The 5 expectations AgentSync has laid out for leaders

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177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

177: The Importance of Letting Go for a Leader

Would you have the courage to make the necessary changes if you realized your company or team was no longer working the way you’d hoped? Jonathan Keyser faced that challenge in his company, and he had the awareness and courage to tackle it head-on.

In this riveting conversation, Jonathan shares the struggles he experienced in identifying the changes that were needed, acknowledging his contributions to the situation, and the three core lessons he learned. You’ll connect with his transparency and vulnerability as he shares the process of transitioning from Keyser 1.0 to Keyser 2.0.

Jonathan is the founder of Keyser, one of the most innovative and trustworthy commercial real estate firms in the country. Along with their international partners, they have more than 560 people on their team worldwide. Jonathan’s efforts to change the business world through selfless service are reflected in his content, thought leadership, and the level of excellence he holds his team to within Keyser.

You’ll discover:

  • What caused Jonathan to realize he needed to make changes in his company
  • Why key problem areas were all based on misalignment
  • The key question he asked himself to determine which employees should stay…and which should move on
  • How Jonathan learned how to “do less and receive more.”

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147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

What if you could welcome conflicts instead of avoiding or dreading them? My guest Jason Digges describes how it’s possible to do just that by using Authentic Relating. We talk about that topic and many other ideas from his excellent book, Conflict = Energy, The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating. You will want to take notes because Jason shares a wealth of practical ideas you can apply at work and at home.

Jason is a modern renaissance man. He’s equal parts artist, philosopher, teacher, and media producer. From 2003-2012 he worked for Integral Institute to create thousands of hours of educational media on the topics of transpersonal psychology, spirituality, productivity, and personal growth. Jason is obsessed with how humans can live and relate optimally. Since 2012, he’s facilitated groups and taught authentic relating and circling courses in over 20 cities around the world.

You’ll discover:

  • The 5 practices involved in Authentic Relating (AR)
  • Why Appreciation is a key element in building trust and strong relationships
  • The roles of Noticing, Appreciating, and Curiosity in AR
  • Why Dignity + Humility = Transformation and how the shadow side of each can get in the way of connecting with others
  • How leaders can create psychological safety so people feel free to speak up and share their thoughts and feelings

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Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills

Peer Coaching Made Simple

How to Do the 6 Things That Matter Most When Helping Someone Improve a Skill