274: Change Proof: How to Build Long-term Resilience

274: Change Proof: How to Build Long-term Resilience

274: Change Proof: How to Build Long-term Resilience

As humans, we’re hardwired to resist change and seek certainty. But that leaves us ill-equipped to thrive in our rapidly changing world. Adam Markel has studied and researched resilience throughout his career. In this conversation, you’ll learn how to become “change-proof,” the title of his latest book, Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience.

This beautifully written book has compelling stories that will grab your attention from the very first page. Listen to the wisdom Adam shares in this one-hour interview, and then get a copy of his book so you can explore this powerful treatment of resilience further.

Adam is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and workplace expert. He’s also the CEO of More Love Media and host of The Change Proof podcast. He’s a sought-after business culture catalyst who inspires, empowers, and guides organizations and individuals to create sustainable, high-performance strategies.

You’ll discover:

  • How Adam’s 7 years of experience as a beach lifeguard shaped the principles he teaches today
  • The three essential steps to take before responding to something unexpected
  • What Adam’s resilience assessment reveals about your resilience in four areas of life
  • Why taking time for Recovery is important before it becomes critical
  • How to dispute irrational beliefs

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094: Leading Beyond Your Limits

094: Leading Beyond Your Limits

Do your beliefs about what’s possible for you ever hold you back? If so, my interview with Dr. Lisa Walker is a must-listen. You’ll love hearing her passion and stories as she describes her own breakthroughs and the ways she helps clients with theirs. Lisa is a Psychologist and Leadership Development Expert as well as an ICF Master Certified Coach, and a Columbia University Certified Executive Coach. She’s also an advanced level Mediator and Facilitator, helping leaders navigate crucial conversations.

Lisa has worked on large-scale leadership initiatives for clients in over 30 countries. She has a knack for coaching executives to achieve positive, measurable change in their leadership behaviors while delivering on business results and nurturing and growing their people. Her clients include Dell, Amazon, Target and IBM.

You’ll discover:

  • How Lisa applies her background as a psychologist to coaching leaders
  • The top challenges leaders are facing right now…and what Lisa says and does to help them achieve breakthroughs
  • Success stories of clients who’ve abandoned their limiting beliefs to embrace their true potential
  • The life-altering lessons Lisa learned when she successfully reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa

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Dr. Lisa Walker

Lisa’s Upcoming Book (late 2021)

Leading Beyond Your Limits: Critical Leadership Tools for Resilience & Innovation in the Era of Relentless Change

066: The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People

066: The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People

Have you thought of resilience as the ability to “bounce back” from adversity? My guest Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal provides a much more powerful definition with three elements that allow you to emerge from any challenge enhanced and actually bounce forward. Have pen and paper handy because you’ll want to capture the important insights and practical tips Dr. Taryn Marie shares for developing resilience. She founded Resilience Leadership, where she serves as the Chief Resilience Officer (CRO), leveraging over a decade of research on resilience that gave birth to the empirically-based framework she uses with clients today. She’s a foremost international expert on this topic and is the former Head of Executive Leadership Development at Nike and Global Leadership Development at Cigna.

You’ll discover:

  • Why resiliency is not “bouncing back”
  • A definition that encourages you to flourish, no matter what adversity you face
  • The research that led to Dr. Taryn Marie’s evidence-based model
  • The 5 core practices that resilient people engage in regularly
  • 3 Quick Wins for building resilience

Watch the episode:


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