040: Bring a Fresh Perspective to Relationships You Already Have

040: Bring a Fresh Perspective to Relationships You Already Have

040: Bring a Fresh Perspective to Relationships You Already Have

by Katie Bishop

Have you ever started working on a project with someone you have a history with…and allowed your previous interactions with the person to influence the attitude you bring to the current situation? My guest Katie Bishop has. She recently co-authored a book, The Best Seller, with her father. In this interview we explore why this project took five years and how her view of her dad changed as they interacted and as she interviewed people he had mentored. The lessons she shares can be applied to any relationships, at home or at work. You’ll love hearing the new appreciation Katie developed for her father during this work, and you’ll likely re-think the way you view some of the people in your life.

You’ll discover:

  • An approach for defining roles when you’re embarking on a new project with someone
  • How to resolve differences and get into a successful rhythm when working with others
  • Ways to communicate when two people disagree in order to honor both parties’ opinions
  • How to create realistic dialogues when writing articles or books that involve people having a conversation
  • Why “going slow” at first can help you “go fast” later

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Connect with Katie


039: How to Partner with Other Consultants and Make a Ton of Money While Growing Your Businesses

039: How to Partner with Other Consultants and Make a Ton of Money While Growing Your Businesses

039: How to Partner with Other Consultants and Make a Ton of Money While Growing Your Businesses

by Dr. Kevin Gazzara

Do you find it hard to make time for marketing and sales because you’re busy delivering your services? My guest Dr. Kevin Gazzara has found effective ways to keep his firm’s pipeline full. Kevin is co-founder and Senior Partner at Magna Leadership Solutions based in Phoenix, AZ. Since founding his company 12 years ago, Keven has consistently done five things to grow his business. Take notes to keep track of all the nuggets Kevin drops, and stay until the end because he shares a BIG idea that’s free to implement and could impact your visibility on Google searches.

You’ll discover:

  • What Kevin learned from 10 successful consultants about building a successful business
  • One of the most important decisions you can make up-front to be sure you get in front of your best clients
  • The benefits of writing a book in positioning you with potential clients
  • Why you need to invest the time in building a solid network and delivering value without looking for reciprocity
  • The Task Quotient Assessment, a free quiz you can take to identify the kinds of work activities you enjoy the most

Watch the episode:


Connect with Kevin


038: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

038: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

Have you wondered why so many experts stress the importance of having high emotional intelligence (EQ)? My guest Amy Sargent makes the case in a very compelling way. I loved that her own EQ skills are highly evolved, and she provides concrete examples to illustrate how you can use EQ in everyday situations. As Executive Director at the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence, Amy helps lead online programs for leaders, coaches and HR professionals.

You’ll discover:

  • The four separate aspects of emotional intelligence
  • What can go wrong when someone’s EQ is low
  • The role of self-awareness in managing your emotions
  • How 3 managers were on the brink of being fired and why developing EQ helped them keep their jobs
  • One thing you can do at the end of each day to increase your own EQ

Watch the episode:


Connect with Terry


037: How to Network to Get A Steady Stream of Introductions, Referrals and Sales

037: How to Network to Get A Steady Stream of Introductions, Referrals and Sales

037: How to Network to Get A Steady Stream of Introductions, Referrals and Sales

by Steven Crawford

Want to find out how to network so effectively that you regularly get introductions to your ideal clients? Come prepared to take notes as you listen to my interview with Steven Crawford, as he reveals many of the brilliant strategies he uses to land more clients. Steven is the Director of Sales and a senior consultant with McGee Productivity Solutions based in Denver, Colorado. He manages a team of 12 consultants who have responsibility for sales in addition to the delivery of their consulting services. You’ll love Steve’s approach to getting introductions, asking for referrals and building a powerful relationship in your initial conversation with a prospect.

You’ll discover:

  • How to replace a selling mindset with one focused on relationship-building
  • One question you can ask to open a conversation that’s guaranteed to engage the other person immediately
  • Two obstacles that can hold you back from making appointments…and how to get past them
  • Steve’s very effective process for requesting referrals, researching the referred person and then following up with both people
  • Innovative ways you can use LinkedIn to become known by your potential clients

Watch the episode:


Connect with Steven


036: Increase Your Sales with Honest and Effective Conversations

036: Increase Your Sales with Honest and Effective Conversations

036: Increase Your Sales with Honest and Effective Conversations

by Todd Holzman

Want to find out the two big mistakes that leaders and salespeople make in the area of communications? You’ll learn the answer in my interview with guest, Todd Holzman, CEO of Holzman & Company. Over the past 25 years, Todd has worked with 25,000 leaders and salespeople to help them improve the quality of their conversations. He’s discovered that, across all industries, countries and cultures, there are two errors that get people into trouble. Todd doesn’t leave you hanging about the solution. He shares a simple three-step process for structuring conversations that keep your potential clients engaged and build your credibility…and this process works equally well with friends and family. Todd and his 13-person global faculty consult to some of the world’s best companies in the Fortune 100 and Global 1000.

You’ll discover:

  • How taking a risk by telling a potential client the truth helped Todd land his first big contract
  • The importance of having conversations that uncover the real issues
  • Why it’s helpful to talk with potential clients as if they’ve already hired you
  • The kinds of questions you can ask to reflect an attitude that’s kind, gracious and shows empathy
  • How to make yourself confrontable so clients see that you’re comfortable in being wrong

Watch the episode:


Connect with Todd