035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

by Mark Goulston

Whenever Meredith Bell and Dr. Mark Goulston have a conversation, rich observations and insights inevitably emerge. In this episode, they explore topics that are relevant no matter what role(s) you have in life. They talk about Mark’s latest projects and then delve into topics like kindness, generosity, and what it means to enjoy a fellow human being. That’s followed by a discussion of the impact we have as listeners on the person speaking to us, and as parents on our children. As always, Mark gives practical, actionable tips that you can use with the very next person you interact with!

You’ll discover:

  • The What Made You Smile Today movement that Mark started to help combat disconnection and loneliness
  • What’s behind the Count Me In Global Community
  • 3 questions you can ask yourself after every conversation to rate your listening…from the other person’s perspective
  • The secret to developing mentally healthy children
  • 2 questions parents can ask themselves about their relationship…from their kids’ perspective

Watch the episode:


Connect with Mark


034: Experience the Good, Bad and Ugly in Life and Stay Calm in the Process

034: Experience the Good, Bad and Ugly in Life and Stay Calm in the Process

034: Experience the Good, Bad and Ugly in Life and Stay Calm in the Process

by Rachel Langer

Do you have clients who get stuck and aren’t sure what to do? And do you sometimes have that feeling yourself? My guest Rachel Langer offers practical tips for handling many of life’s universal challenges. You’ll love her down-to-earth style and openness about situations in her own life. Rachel is a professional coach who works with individuals, couples, corporate teams and executives. She’s also the author of a wonderful book, Until Now, which we discuss in her interview.

You’ll discover:

  • How you can use fear to motivate you to take action
  • The difference between pain and suffering
  • Questions you can ask your clients – or yourself – to achieve greater insights
  • Why it’s better to be an owner instead of a victim…and when it’s okay to be a victim anyway
  • How to slow down and allow time and space for creativity

Watch the episode:

033: The Brain’s Buy Button Affects Decisions Your Clients Make

033: The Brain’s Buy Button Affects Decisions Your Clients Make

033: The Brain’s Buy Button Affects Decisions Your Clients Make

by Ben Hipps

Have you ever tried to convince someone to buy a product or service by appealing only to their logical mind? My guest Ben Hipps used to sell that way, until he learned about neuro-marketing from Christophe Morin. In this interview, Ben explains the importance of three elements that impact buying decisions and how to incorporate them into your sales conversations. You’ll see why his clients say Ben is “easy to know” and are eager to do business with him. As the Founder of Keys2selling LLC, Ben offers cutting edge sales processes that drive exceptional results.

You’ll discover:

  • What is neuro-marketing and why it’s important for making sales
  • Why people don’t say Yes to data-driven presentations
  • The one feeling that drives many buying decisions
  • How to research a potential client before meeting with them so you’re prepared with questions that show you’ve done your homework
  • How to prepare for sales meetings and ask for the business without fear or anxiety

Watch the episode:


Connect with Ben


032: Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales

032: Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales

032: Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales

by Terry Earthwind Nichols

Ever wish you could read people so you know how open they are to what you have to say? My guest Terry Earthwind Nichols is an expert in profiling, the art of observing others and interpreting the signals they’re sending. Join me for a fascinating conversation about little things you can pay attention to in one-on-one or group settings to detect the unspoken signs right in front of you. Terry’s varied careers – from U.S. Navy Classifier to custom clothing salesman to private club manager – helped him refine his profiling skills and become a master of people-reading. Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company.

You’ll discover:

  • The aspects of physical behavior to pay attention to when observing or engaging others in conversation
  • How to pay attention to the subtle nuances of movement that send clear signals
  • One simple question you can ask to see if the person is “with” you and more likely to say “Yes” later
  • How to scan the room at a networking event to determine the best group to approach
  • The unique way Terry works with his clients to help them identify and heal from a previously-unknown memory that’s been holding them back

Watch the episode:


Connect with Terry


031: Your State of Mind Impacts What You See and Experience

031: Your State of Mind Impacts What You See and Experience

031: Your State of Mind Impacts What You See and Experience

by Barb Patterson

Do you ever think that what’s happening outside of you is what’s causing your feelings? My guest Barb Patterson shares her journey in discovering that our experiences are always generated from within us. Once she discovered the role that our state of mind plays in everything we think and do, it transformed the way she works with clients. Her insights are profound, and you’ll come away from this interview reflecting more deeply on the way you view yourself and the world.

You’ll discover:

  • How to view your thoughts in a neutral way, without judgment or criticism
  • Why striving and working harder aren’t necessary to achieve your goals
  • The conditions that create your best thinking and a more present mind
  • How you can alter your relationship to your thoughts to create fresh perspectives and ideas about your work and business
  • Why you’ll want to replace a reactive mind with a more relaxed, thoughtful state

Watch the episode:


Connect with Barb