262: Claim Your SWAGGER and Thrive

262: Claim Your SWAGGER and Thrive

262: Claim Your SWAGGER and Thrive

What comes to mind when you hear the word SWAGGER? If it has a negative connotation for you, prepare to be persuaded differently! Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo has created a powerful acronym that we explore in this lively conversation, based on her new book, Claim Your SWAGGER: Stop Surviving and Start Thriving. You are sure to want to take notes as we discuss important concepts like self-worth, self-limiting beliefs, and gratitude.

Jennifer is an exceptional guide in the realm of leadership and personal development. She’s focused on empowering individuals to unleash their potential by reshaping the way they think, act, and behave.

Jennifer has more than thirty years’ experience working with individuals, cancer survivors, leaders, and multinational Fortune 500 companies. Her influence has positively impacted more than 50,000 leaders in 18 countries across the globe.

With a science-based educational foundation in behavioral change and a wealth of practical knowledge, Jennifer excels at helping people learn to harness their mental power and use what they already have to foster positive life changes, transforming themselves and the world around them.

You’ll discover:

  • The Power of 3 Ps for creating new behavior patterns that last
  • Jennifer’s opportunity to practice patience when getting a new mobile phone
  • 3 aspects of self-worth that are driven by external factors
  • How Acts of Kindness help you expand your feelings of worthiness
  • Why REP (Recognize, Evaluate, Pivot) is a winning strategy for removing limiting beliefs and replacing them with more powerful ones

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261: A Time to Lead: Mastering Your Self

261: A Time to Lead: Mastering Your Self

261: A Time to Lead: Mastering Your Self

A lot of emphasis is placed on leadership behaviors, but it all starts within. What must a leader do to master Self? In this value-packed conversation with Craig Dowden, you’ll learn about the 7 areas included in his best-selling book, A Time to Lead: Mastering Your Self…So You Can Master Your World. Craig unpacks what leaders can do in each of these areas to prepare themselves to be more effective in their roles.

Craig is a highly respected executive coach with the Forbes Coaches Council as well as an award-winning speaker who delivers interactive, evidence-based workshops that translate the science of leadership, team, and organizational excellence into everyday practice.

His podcast, Do Good to Lead Well, which is based on the title of his first bestseller, is rated in the top 0.5% of podcasts in the world. Each week, Craig speaks with top CEOs, fellow bestselling authors, and global thought leaders to share their experience and expertise with his audience.

Craig has been a regular contributor to, and featured expert in, top-tier leadership and business publications including Forbes, Fast Company, the Financial Post, the Huffington Post, Financial Times, the Globe and Mail, and Psychology Today.

You’ll discover:

  • The top 2 areas of self-mastery that most leaders struggle with
  • Why a growth mindset is the foundation for all the other areas
  • The importance of recognizing and mastering your emotions
  • What you must do before asking someone to give you feedback
  • Some cautions and guidelines around authentic leadership

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260: Discover the Matrix with Integrity

260: Discover the Matrix with Integrity

260: Discover the Matrix with Integrity

Do you remember Neo’s choice of the blue pill or the red pill in the movie, The Matrix? Angela Cusack explores this choice in the context of leaders and their ability to decide on the level of integrity they want to have with themselves and with others. It all hinges on the desire to break through illusions that keep us safe and do the work to become more self-aware through deep reflection.

In this important conversation, Angela shares key concepts from her book, Discover The Matrix, Integrity: The True Mark of Leadership. She shares her own journey, as well as some of her clients, in discovering how to “explore the space between.”

Angela is the founder of Igniting Success and she’s often called a company’s secret weapon – she works with C-suite execs & what she does is so transformative that it impacts the entire organization.

She’s a Master Certified Coach and has provided mentor coaching and supervision for coaches over the past 15 years to help them prepare for certification as PCC or MCC.

You’ll discover:

  • How the book’s title and contents tie in with the movie, The Matrix
  • Why Angela says integrity with self is the starting point of having integrity with others
  • What Angela means by “exploring the space between” and why it’s important for leader
  • The illusions we can have about ourselves that hold us back
  • Why “permission to unzip” is vital to becoming an authentic leader

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Angela’s Resources


Igniting Success

Angela Cusack


Discover The Matrix, Integrity: The True Mark of Leadership
Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Austin Macauley Publishers, & retailers worldwide

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259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

259: Lessons from a Learn-It-All Leader

​What’s the difference between a Learn-It-All leader and a Know-It-All Leader? That’s just one of many questions Damon Lembi answers in this value-packed conversation. Damon is an excellent example of a leader who’s been focused on his own growth and equally committed to helping members of his team become the best versions of themselves.

For nearly three decades as CEO, Damon has led his company, Learnit, through the ever-changing landscape of Learning and Development, gaining insight into what works, how great leaders learn, and why learn-it-all companies outpace their competition.

Coming to business from a career in baseball, Damon brings an athlete’s perspective on leadership and training to his informal mentoring of executives. He’s distilled those hard-won insights into his bestselling book, The Learn-It-All Leader—Mindset, Traits, and Tools.

You’ll discover:

  • Leadership lessons Damon learned from the 3 Hall of Fame Baseball Coaches he worked with in college
  • The distinction Damon makes between Being and Doing when it comes to leader behaviors
  • Why Damon hires for potential instead of experience
  • Reasons he prizes Curiosity as a key leadership skill
  • What the Trust Tax is and why it’s an important payment to make

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258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

258: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership

What’s the evidence that women face unique hurdles in advancing to executive leadership roles? Jennifer McCollum shares the data based on 25+ years of research conducted by Linkage. The facts are real. In this conversation, we focus on the actions women can take to overcome these hurdles – and what men can do to be effective allies and executive sponsors. You will love Jennifer’s passion for this topic and her transparency in describing some of her own experiences.

Jennifer is the former CEO of Linkage, a SHRM company, where she oversaw the strategic direction and global operations of this leadership development firm. Linkage’s mission is to “Change the Face of Leadership” and over the past 35 years the company has been dedicated to improving leadership effectiveness and equity in hundreds of organizations globally.

Jennifer has 20 years of experience building and leading businesses in the leadership space. She’s a highly sought-after consultant and speaker, with deep expertise in Inclusive Leadership and Advancing Women Leaders.

She’s a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches and the author of the new book, In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership. Highly recommended for women and men alike!

You’ll discover:

  • Why the Inner Critic is the “uber” hurdle that impacts the other 7
  • How the Compassion Center’s 4 steps can help you shift from judging yourself or others
  • The distinction between External Bias and Internal Bias
  • The importance of Recognized Confidence, a step beyond self-confidence
  • What men can do to support women and the role of Executive Sponsorship

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